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Segregation of Duties (SoD)


The segregation of duties (SoD) is a fundamental element of internal controls, defined to prevent error and fraud. Segregation of duties ensure that at least two individuals are responsible for the separate parts of any task.

For each user, the roles tab displays the list of roles assigned to the user and the possible risks. If you click on a role record, Soffid will show the entitlement details including the SoD rules with the detail of the risk.Ā 

Screen overview



  1. Information Systems
  2. Roles
Custom attributes
  • Name: name of the segregation separation of duties
  • Information System: asset or application, from a functional point of view, on which the permissions are granted or revoked.
  • Type: type of segregationĀ 
    • Trigger on all permissions: no user can be assigned the roles added to the role list.
    • Trigger on some permissions: if you select that option, you have to fill in the number of roles that can not match. Soffid will not allow you to assign to a user more than the number indicated of the roles added to the role list.
    • Query permissions matrix: Soffid displays a matrix that allows you to select the risk between pairs of roles, those roles are the roles added to the role list.
  • Risk: level of risk:
    • Low.
    • High.
    • Forbidden:Ā  it is not allowed that one user to have assigned the roles defined on the role list.
    • None: there is no risk.
  • Role List: list of roles to keep in mindĀ on the segregation of duties.


Segregation of Duties query actions


Allows you to query Segregation of Duties through different search systems, Basic and Advanced.

Add new

Allows you to add a new Segregation of Duties in the system. You can choose that option on the hamburger menu or click the add button (+).

To add a new Segregation of Duties it will be mandatory to fill in the required fields


Allows you to remove one or more Segregation of Duties by selecting one or more records and next clicking the button with the subtraction symbol (-).

To perform that action, Soffid will ask you for confirmation, you could confirm or cancel the operation.

Download CSV file

Allows you to download a CSV file with the basic Segregation of Duties data.

Segregation of Duties detailed actions

Apply changes

Allows you to save the data of a new role or to update the data of a specific role. To save the data it will be mandatory to fill in the required fields


Allows you to delete a Segregation of Duties. You can choose that option on the trash icon.

To perform that action, Soffid will ask you for confirmation, you could confirm or cancel the operation.


Allows you to quit without applying any changes.

Add new role Allows you to add a new role to the Role list. You can add a role by clicking the add button (+), then Soffid will show a form to search and select one or more roles. Finally, you need to click the apply changes button and the roles will be added to the role list.
Delete role

Allows you to delete one or more roles from the role list. You can select one or more roles and then click the button with the subtraction symbol (-). The roles will be deleted from the role list without Soffid asking for confirmation.