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Soffid Objects

You can consult the list of Soffid attributes:

  1. User Object
  2. Account Object
  3. Group Object
  4. Role Object
  5. Grant Object
  6. Maillist Object
  7. Membership Object
  8. dispatcherService
  9. Authoritative change object

User object

A user objects are maps that hold the information belonging to a single user account.

id Long user id
accountId Long account id
accountName String account name
system String managed system (agent) name
accountDescription String account description
active Boolean true if user is active
accountDisabled Boolean true if account is diabled
mailAlias String blank separated mails
userName String user name
primaryGroup String user's primary group name
comments String user's comments
createdOn Date user creation date
modifiedOn Date user last modification date
mailDomain Date user mail domain ( email right side of @)
fullName String user full name
shortName String user mail name (email left side of @)
firstName String user first name
lastName String user last name
lastName2 String user second last name (when applicable)
mailServer String mail server host name
homeServer String home drive server host name
profileServer String roaming profile server host name
phone String user's phone number
userType String user type
createdBy String user name creator of this user
modifiedBy String user name modifier of this user
secondaryGroups List<Map<String,Object>>

list of groups the user belongs to, including primary group

The attributes of the inner map are described later

attributes Map<String,String> additional user attributes
grantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of grants directly granted to the user
allGrantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of grants directly on indirectly granted to the user
granted List<String> list of role names and group names directly granted to the user
allGranted List<String> list of role names and group names directly or indirectly granted to the user

Account object

An account object holds the information belonging to an account.

accountDescription String account description
accountDisabled Boolean true if account is diabled
accountId Long account id
accountName String account name
allGranted List<String> list of role names directly or indirectly granted to the user
allGrantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of grants directly on indirectly granted to the user
attributes Map<String,String> additional account attributes
granted List<String> list of role names directly granted to the user
grantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of grants directly granted to the user
lastLogin Calendar lastLogin
lastPasswordUpdate Calendar lastPasswordUpdate
lastUpdate Calendar lastUpdate
passwordExpiration Calendar passwordExpiration
passwordPolicy String password policy
system String managed system (agent) name
type AccountType "U"=user, "S"=shared, "P"=privileged, "I=ignored

Group object

An group object holds the information belonging to a group.

groupId Long group id
name String group name
description String group description
parent String parent group name
server String home server host name
disabled boolean true if the group is disabled
accountingGroup String group accounting information
type String group type
driveLetter String home server letter to connect to
users List<Map<String,Object>> list of users belonging to this group
userNames List<String> list of user names belonging to this group
allUsers List<Map<String,Object>> list of users directly or indirectly belonging to this group
allUserNames List<String> list of user names either directly or indirectly grantee of this role
grantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of roles granted to this group
grantedRoleNames List<String> list of role names granted to this group

Role object

An role object holds the information belonging to a role.

roleId Long role id
system String managed system (agent) name
name String role name
application String application system name
category String role category
passwordProtected boolean true if role should be password protected (where applicable)
description String Role description
wfmanaged boolean true if role should be displayed in self service requests
domain String custom domain for this role: Use com.soffid.iam.api.DomainType constants or configured custom domain
ownedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of roles granted to this one
ownerRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of roles grantee of this one
ownerGroups List<Map<String,Object>> list of groups grantee of this role
grantedAccountNames List<String> list of account names directly grantee of this role
grantedAccounts List<Map<String,Object>> list of users directly grantee of this role
allGrantedAccountNames List<String> list of account names either directly or indirectly grantee of this role
allGrantedAccounts List<Map<String,Object>> list of users either directly or indirectly grantee of this role
attributes Map<String,Object> role's custom attributes

Grant object

Grant, grantedRole & allGrantedRoles

The objects grant, grantedRole and allGrantedRoles are used to assing roles to accounts and roles.

domainValue String grant value (if any)
grantedRole String granted role name
grantedRoleId Long granted role id
grantedRoleObject role object granted role
grantedRoleSystem String granted role managed system (agent) name
id Long grant id
ownerAccount String grantee account name
ownerAccountObject account object grantee account
ownerGroup String grantee group name
ownerRoleId String grantee role id
ownerRoleName String grantee role name
ownerSystem String grantee account or role managed system name
ownerUser String grantee user name



Example to map a grant object (assign a role to an account):

System attribute
Soffid attribute
role_name => grantedRole
account_name => ownerAccount

Example to map a grantedRole object (assign a role as a child of another role):

System attribute
Soffid attribute
role_name => grantedRole
parent_role_name => ownerRoleName

Example to map a allGrantedRoles object in a holderGroup (assign a role to an account in a specific group):

System attribute
Soffid attribute
role_name => grantedRole
parent_role_name => ownerRoleName
group_code => domainValue
group_code => holderGroup
userName => ownerUser

Maillist object

id Long internal mail list id
name String mail list name ( the initial part, before the @ sign)
domain String mail list domain ( the remaining part after the @ sign)
system String managed system (agent) name
description String mail list description
users String array user names that are bound to this mail list
groups String array group names thta are subscribed to this mai list
roles String array role names that grant access to this mail list
lists String array Nested mail lists
explodedUsers String array Names of the users that should be subscribed to this mail list, including the users that should be subscribed due to group or role membership
explodedUserAddresses String array Mail addresses of any exploded User

Membership object

A membership object contains the user account information as well as the group the user belongs to.

userName String User name
user Map<String,Object> user object
groupName String Group name
group Map<String,Object> group object
attributes Map<String,Object> Membership custom attributes


dispatcherService is an object available from agents' attribute translation rules.

This object contains four methods:

method name
result type
soffidToSystem ExtensibleObject soffidObject ExtensibleObject

Uses attribute translation tables to transform a soffid object to a target system object.

Mind to fill-in objectType property to use the proper object mapping

systemToSoffid ExtensibleObject systemObject ExtensibleObject

Uses attribute translation tables to transform a target system object to a Soffid object.

Mind to fill-in objectType property to use the proper object mapping

search ExtensibleObject exampleObject ExtensibleObject

Uses the exampleObject to perform a query by example on the target system. If the object exists on the target system, it is returned.

Mind to fill-in objectType property with the desired system object type


String verb

String action

Map parameters

List of Map

This method allows arbitrary executions on the target system, but it semantics can change depending on the connector used.

For instance, it can be used to perform a GET on the target system in REST connector, can issue an LDAP query on ActiveDirectory connector, can execute a SELECT sentence on a SQL connector, or can execute an operating system command in Shell connector.

The results are returned as a list of objects (map).


Snippet to query the sys_id attribute for a grant owner
System.out.println("Searching id for "+ownerRoleName);
com.soffid.iam.sync.intf.ExtensibleObject eo = new com.soffid.iam.sync.intf.ExtensibleObject();
eo{"name"} = ownerRoleName;
eo =;
System.out.println("FOUND "+eo{"sys_id"});
return eo{"sys_id"};
Snippet that performs a REST query to get group to role assignments in ServiceNow
list = dispatcherService.invoke ("GET",
r = new java.util.LinkedList();
for ( d: list)
  grant = new java.util.HashMap();
  grant{"grantedRole"} = d.get("role").get("display_value");
  grant{"grantedRoleSystem"} = "ServiceNow";
  grant{"ownerRoleName"} = name;
  grant{"ownerSystem"} = "ServiceNow";
  r.add  (grant);
return r;
Snippet of invoke usage on a relational database
// Table ITREPRT
role = source{"granted"}.size() == 0 ? "" : source{"granted"}.get(0);
System.out.println ("************** ROLE "+role);
args = new java.util.HashMap();
args.put("user", source{"accountName"}.toUpperCase());
if (role.equals ("Receptores PR") || role.equals("Jefes_Personal")) {
  r = dispatcherService.invoke("select", "* from ITREPRT where IDUSER=:user", args);
  if (r.size() == 0) {
    dispatcherService.invoke("insert", "into ITREPRT(IDUSER,NOMECO) values (:user, 1)", args);
} else {
  dispatcherService.invoke("delete", "from ITREPRT where IDUSER=:user", args);
cc = source{"attributes"}{"dominio"};
if ( source{"userType"} .equals ("T")) {
  cc = source{"userName"}.substring(1); 
while (cc != null && cc.startsWith("0")) cc = cc.substring(1);
System.out.println ("************** COST CENTER "+cc);
if (cc != null && ! cc.trim().isEmpty())
  args = new java.util.HashMap();
  args.put("user", source{"accountName"}.toUpperCase());
  args.put("cc", cc);
  r = dispatcherService.invoke("SELECT", "* from MRGEUCT where IDUSER=:user and MOARPR=:cc", args);
  if (r.size() == 0) {
    dispatcherService.invoke("INSERT", "into MRGEUCT(MOARPR,CENTRA, IDUSER, NOTIFI ) "+
                             "values ('II', :cc, :user, 'S')", args);
    dispatcherService.invoke("INSERT", "into MRGEUCT(MOARPR,CENTRA, IDUSER, NOTIFI ) "+
                             "values ('BM', :cc, :user, 'S')", args);
    dispatcherService.invoke("DELETE", "FROM MRGEUCT WHERE CENTRA!=:cc AND IDUSER=:user", args);
return true;
Snippet of invoke usage on a Active Directory I
hashMap = new java.util.HashMap();
list = serviceLocator.getDispatcherService().invoke("AD soffid.pat", 
out.println("** list.size -- " + list.size());
Snippet of invoke usage on a Active Directory II
ACC = source{"accountName"};
la = dispatcherService.invoke("AD soffid.pat", "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=userName))", new java.util.HashMap());

Authoritative change object

A user objects are maps that hold the information belonging to a single user account

id Long user id
accountId Long account id
accountName String account name
system String managed system (agent) name
accountDescription String account description
active Boolean true if user is active
accountDisabled Boolean true if account is diabled
mailAlias String blank separated mails
userName String user name
primaryGroup String user's primary group name
comments String user's comments
createdOn Date user creation date
modifiedOn Date user last modification date
mailDomain Date user mail domain ( email right side of @)
fullName String user full name
shortName String user mail name (email left side of @)
firstName String user first name
lastName String user last name
lastName2 String user second last name (when applicable)
mailServer String mail server host name
homeServer String home drive server host name
profileServer String roaming profile server host name
phone String user's phone number
userType String user type
createdBy String user name creator of this user
modifiedBy String user name modifier of this user
secondaryGroups List<Map<String,Object>>

list of groups the user belongs to, including primary group

The attributes of the inner map are described in the link

secondariGroups2 List<Map<String,Object>>

list of user memberships, excluding primary group

The attributes of the inner map are described link

attributes Map<String,String> additional user attributes
grantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of grants directly granted to the user
allGrantedRoles List<Map<String,Object>> list of grants directly on indirectly granted to the user
granted List<String> list of role names and group names directly granted to the user
allGranted List<String> list of role names and group names directly or indirectly granted to the user