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Reference guides for Soffid products
First steps
Introduction to Soffid
Privileged Account Management
Password Manager
Soffid Password Manager
Security Advisories
Soffid 3 Reference guide
Reference Guide Soffid 3
Technical introduction to Soffid
Intallation guides
Synchronization Server Connectors
BPM Editor
System for Cross-domain Identity Management
Enterprise Single Sign On solution
Addons Getting started
Getting started
Administration (scripting)
Custom scripts
Password Recovery
Password Recovery Addon
Soffid LDAP
Soffid LDAP
XACML eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
Addon container
Business logic addon
Business logic addon
Business Process addon (par)
Business Process addon (par)
Upgrade management
Upgrade management
Web addon
Web addon
Global settings
Database initialization
How to install and initialize database
Installing Soffid on your server
Guide to show the installation process os Soffid IAM on your server
Installing Soffid using Docker
Guide to show the installation process os Soffid IAM using Docker
Installing Soffid on Kubernetes
Guide to show le installation process os Soffid IAM in Kubernetes
Self service portal
Resources Management
Monitoring and reporting
Common actions
Integration Engine
Security settings
AWS Connector
CSV Connector
Google Apps Connector
JSON REST Web Services Connector
LDAP Connector
Oracle Connectors
SAP Connector
SCIM Connector
Shell Connector
Soffid is an information security product that covers features typically provided by many different products: Single sign-on. Identity provisioning. Identity governance, including risk management. Privileged account management.
Documentation roadmap
Here you will find all the information needed to, download, install, use and develop Soffid, content will be created as we are working on our product roadmap. If you miss something important, don't mind to make suggestions using
System architecture
Soffid Architecture Soffid 3 system is composed of up to five different components: IAM console Sync server Repository PAM Jump server (optional) LDAP Directory server (optional) Enterprise SSO (optional) IAM Console Is the portal used by adm...
Definition Soffid 3 is multi tenant. This means that one can configure many differente tenants to manage disjoints groups of identities and applications. Each Soffid object, including applications, systems, roles, users, and accounts are bound to a single t...
Initialize database on your server
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to initialize a database required for Soffid IAM installation. Prerequisites First of all, you sould install a database required in the Soffid IAM installation. The supported databases are: MySQL MariaDB Post...
⏰ Getting started
Soffid support Windows or Linux (Ubuntu are the most used) To succesfully install Soffid IAM, please, choose your installatin and follow the next steps: Server Initialize database on your server Installing Soffid IAM on your own server Configure TLS fo...
Installing IAM Console
Guide to install IAM Console on your own server Prerequisites Installing Soffid IAM solution requires the following requirements: Windows or Linux (Ubuntu are the most used) Java JDK 8 or higher. Java JDK11 recommended 8GB RAM > 10GB disk space Suppo...
Installing IAM Console
Guide to install IAM Console using Docker. There is a public docker image at docker hub: Prerequisites Docker 8GB RAM > 10GB disk space (50GB recomended) Supported database installed Video Tutorial In...
Installing Sync server
Guide to install Sync server using Docker. There is a public docker image at docker hub: Prerequisites Soffid IAM sync server requires the following requirements: Supported database installed Soffid Console Insta...
Installing IAM Console
Guide to install IAM Console on Kubernetes. Prerequisites Kubernetes 8GB RAM > 10GB disk space Supported database installed Video Tutorial Linux Installation You can use the docker image described at Installing IAM console using Docker. Here yo...
Installing Sync server
Guide to install Sync server on Kubernetes. Prerequisites Soffid IAM sync server requires the following requirements: Supported database installed Soffid Console Installed Video Tutorial Linux Installation You can use the docker image described a...
Install Sync server
Guide to install Synchronization server on your own server Prerequisites Soffid IAM sync server requires the following requirements: Windows or Linux (Ubuntu are the most used) Java JDK 8 or higher 8GB RAM > 10GB disk space Soffid console installed ...
Creating a multimaster MariaDB replica
This topic will cover the process to create a two node Maria DB cluster. The cluster will be configured to allow Soffid console to use either database node, which in turn will replicate data changes to the other one. Node 1 action Node 2 acti...
Configuring database cluster
Once the database replica is setup, it's important to guarantee transactianality rules. To achive it, one database instance must be acting as the master and other as the slave. Using corosync and pacemaker, you can configure a floating IP address that will ma...
Upgrade Soffid3
Upgrade from version 2 These are the steps to upgrade your Soffid 2 deployment to Soffid 3: Stop Soffid 2 console Install and configure Soffid 3 IAM console. It will upgrade the database and perform any upgrading task.Have a look and the console log file ...
Configure TLS for IAM Console
Introduction The TLS protection of Soffid IAM Console is applied through the configuration of the Apache TomEE embedded in the installation. This solution is running under java technology therefore we need a jks file (Java Key Store) or a PKCS#12 file with t...
My tasks
Description Displays the task in which the user is involved like a supervisor, manager, o person how has to approve or deny that tasks. My task provides information about the process, the task, the start and due date and the asigned user. By clicking a recor...
My applications
Description My application is a part of a Soffid Self-service portal that allows end-users to start corporate applications and third party applications. Also, the end-user can view and use the shared accounts available for the user defined on the Password va...
My requests
Description Soffid provides a complete workflow engine that allows you to incorporate business processes or define new business processes as needed. End-users with the appropriate permissions will be able to request these processes. You can visit Self service...
Process Search
Description A process is a series of actions, connected by transitions. An action could be either an automatic action or a manual task. Soffid console is concerned about task delegation and workflow management. Any user is able to create new processes or any...