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Installing Sync server

Guide to install Sync server using Docker.

There is a public docker image at docker hub:


Soffid IAM sync server requires the following requirements:

Video Tutorial



Install first Sync server

To configure the first IAM Sync server, the following environment variables can be set for the first server:

Variable Description Example
DB_URL JDBC URL jdbc:mariadb://dbcontainer/soffid
DB_USER Database user Soffid
DB_PASSWORD Database password 5uper5ecret
SOFFID_HOSTNAME The hostname used to access the sync server
SOFFID_PORT TCP port used for incoming connections 760
SOFFID_MAIN Set to yes for the first sync server, no for the next ones yes

Additional parameters to configure the database connections. Allows you to establish the min and the max of database connections: 

Variable Description Example
DBPOOL_MIN_IDLE The minimum number of connections should be kept in the pool at all times. 1 or 2
DBPOOL_MAX_IDLE The maximum number of connections should be kept in the pool at all times. between 10 and 15
DBPOOL_INITIAL The number of connections will be established when the connection pool is started. 3 or 4

The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated. If no value is indicated, the default value is 30.

The transaction fails if the maximum connections are reached within 30 seconds and no connection is released.


Number of seconds that a connection to a DB that is not in use is maintained.

Available since Sync Server version


Install next Sync servers

To configure the next sync servers, the following environment variables can be set:

Variable Description Example
SOFFID_SERVER First sync server url
SOFFID_USER Soffid user to join the security domain. If you are working in a tenant, the user of the tenant. admin
SOFFID_PASS Soffid user password. If you are working in a tenant, the user password of the tenant. changeit
SOFFID_HOSTNAME The host name used to access to the sync server
SOFFID_PORT TCP port used for incomming connections 760
SOFFID_TENANT Tenant name master
SOFFID_MAIN Set to yes for the first sync server, no for the next ones no

Install Sync server in a private network

To configure a sync server in a private network, not directly accessible from the main sync server, the following environment variables can be set:

Variable Description Example
SOFFID_SERVER First sync server url
SOFFID_USER Soffid user to join the security domain admin
SOFFID_PASS Soffid user password changeit
SOFFID_HOSTNAME The host name used to access to the sync server
SOFFID_TENANT Tenant name master
SOFFID_MAIN Set to yes for the first sync server, no for the next ones no
SOFFID_REMOTE Flag to enable cloud protocol yes

You can use this configuration when the main sync server is located in the cloud.

The following volumes are defined by default

Volume Usage
/opt/soffid/iam-sync/conf Configuration files, including private keys and certificates


Here you have a sample command to start a docker container running IAM sync server. Mind to specify the port number to expose the sync server docker to the outside world. It is not needed when using the cloud connectivity:

docker run -d \
   -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://mariadb-service/soffid \
   -e DB_USER=soffid \
   -e DB_PASSWORD=soffid \
   -e SOFFID_PORT=1760 \
   -e SOFFID_HOSTNAME=iam-sync.soffidnet \
   -e SOFFID_MAIN=yes \
   --name=iam-sync \
   --publish 1760:1760 \
   --network=soffidnet \

To see sync server log file, execute:

docker logs -f iam-sync

You can also view the log files inside the container. To do this, first enter the container, then you should find the log files in the /var/log/soffid/ directory.

root@soffid:~# docker exec -it iam-sync /bin/bash
root@e1a90ff25d99:/# less /var/log/soffid/syncserver.log

Now you can connect to the IAM console http://localhost:8080/soffid  and chek if Console and Syncserver are connected.