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The Identity Provider will serve the OpenID-Connect protocol. It is possible to accept the default endpoints or modify them.

You can check the server features visiting https://<YOUR-IdP>/.well-known/openid-configuration. That JSON gives you information about the oAuth authentication types allowed, the key URL, the soported authentication methods and the info about the endpoints defined.

You can download an example openid-configuration.json

Screen overview

Standard attributes

  • Class: class name (readOnly field).
  • Enabled: if it is checked (selected option is Yes) that protocol will be enable.
  • Discovery endpoint:  call  this endpoint to request the OpenID-Connect provider metadata.
  • Authorization endpoint:  call this endpoint to request or authorization grant.
  • Token endpoint: call this endpoint to get the token or to renew the token.
  • Revoke endpoint:  call this endpoint when you finish and do not need more use the token.
  • User info endpoint:  call this endpoint  to request user information.