Holder group
A Holder Group can be defined as a logical grouping or collection of entities (referred to as "holders") that share similar characteristics, roles, permissions, or access requirements. The concept of a Holder Group simplifies the management of identities by enabling administrators to apply policies, assign roles, and manage permissions at the group level rather than individually.
Steps to configure
1. Group type
It is necessary to define a Group type with Rol Holder to Yes
2. Groups
Then, you need to define the groups with this specific group type.
3. Attribute definition
Holder group
Role & group membership
4. Attribute sharing policies
You have to define the attribute sharing policies
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In this case, the Holder group, and Role & group membership attributes will be always shared.
x. Users
Use cases
Login (OpenID Connect or SAML)
1. User with no groups (Primary or secundary) with type holder group Yes. When this user log into an application --> The user login normally to the application
2. User with Primary group RRHH (Type holder group yes) and No Secondary groups with Type holder group yes . When this user log into an application --> The user will be loged-in the application with the group RRHH.
3. User with Primary group RRHH (Type holder group yes) and Secondary group Marketing (Type holder group yes). When this user log into an application --> The user will have to choose the holder group to login the application.
4. User with any Primary group with Type holder group no, and with some Secondary groups with Type holder group yes. When this user log into an application --> The user will have to choose the holder group to login the application.