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Sample Scripts BPM

Start Step


a = executionContext.getVariable("firstName");
if (a==null || "".equals(a.trim()))
  throw new Exception("First name is mandatory");
a = executionContext.getVariable("lastName");
if (a==null || "".equals(a.trim()))
  throw new Exception("Last name is mandatory");

a = executionContext.getVariable("userName");
lu = serviceLocator.getUserService().findUserByJsonQuery("userName eq \""+a+"\" ");
if (!lu.isEmpty())
  throw new Exception("The user name is in use, please choose another one");
e = executionContext.getVariable("emailAddress");
lu = serviceLocator.getUserService().findUserByJsonQuery("emailAddress eq \""+e+"\" ");
if (!lu.isEmpty())
  throw new Exception("The email is in use, please choose another one");


return true;

Trigger onChange

Calculate the email when firstName or lastName changes and depending on the userType: 

firstName   = (inputFields.get("firstName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("firstName").value : null;
lastName    = (inputFields.get("lastName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("lastName").value : null;
userType    = (inputFields.get("userType")!=null) ? inputFields.get("userType").value : null;

if (firstName!=null && !firstName.trim().isEmpty() &&
    lastName!=null && !lastName.trim().isEmpty() &&
    userType!=null && !userType.trim().isEmpty()) {
   emailAddress = firstName + "." + lastName;
   if ("E".equals(userType)) {
   		emailAddress = emailAddress + "";
   } else {
     	emailAddress = emailAddress + "";
  inputFields.get("emailAddress").value = emailAddress; 

Calculate the user name depending on the first and last name

firstName = (inputFields.get("firstName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("firstName").value : null;
lastName = (inputFields.get("lastName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("lastName").value : null;
middleName = (inputFields.get("middleName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("middleName").value : null;
userType = (inputFields.get("userType")!=null) ? inputFields.get("userType").value : null;
primaryGroup = (inputFields.get("primaryGroup")!=null) ? inputFields.get("primaryGroup").value : null;

if (firstName!=null && !firstName.trim().isEmpty() &&
    lastName!=null && !lastName.trim().isEmpty()) {
  // Erase blanck spaces
  while (firstName.contains("  "))
    firstName = firstName.replace("  "," ");
  fn = firstName.trim().split(" ")[0];
  fn = fn.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + fn.substring(1).toLowerCase();
  // Erase blanck spaces
  while (lastName.contains("  "))
    lastName = lastName.replace("  "," ");
  lna = lastName.trim().split(" ");
  ln = "";
  for (w : lna) {
    ln = ln + w.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + w.substring(1).toLowerCase();
  un = fn+"."+ln;
  // Check, if user exist we will add the first letter of the second name
  u = serviceLocator.getUserService().findUserByUserName(un);
  if (u!=null && middleName!=null && !middleName.trim().isEmpty()) {
    un = un+middleName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase();
  // Max length 20 characters
  if (un.length()>20)
    un = un.substring(0,20);
  inputFields.get("userName").value = un;

Outgoing transitions

Set values to variables that will be available in the next step.

un = executionContext.getVariable("userName");


Outgoing transitions

Remove a previous roles

un = executionContext.getVariable("userName");
t = executionContext.getVariable("title");
lra = serviceLocator.getApplicationService().findUserRolesByUserName(un);
for (ra : lra) {
  if (ra.roleName.equals(t)) {

Save new role

p = executionContext.getVariable("newTitle");
if (p==null || "".equals(p.trim()))
  throw new Exception("El nuevo puesto de trabajo es obligatorio");

executionContext.setVariable("title", p)

End Step

Incoming transition

Add a role to the user in case the role exists and it is the same that the user title.

SYS = "soffid";

un = executionContext.getVariable("userName");
if (un==null)
  return true;

t = executionContext.getVariable("title");
if (t==null)
  return true;

q  = "name eq \""+t+"\" and system eq \""+SYS+"\"";
lr = serviceLocator.getApplicationService().findRoleByJsonQuery(q);
if (lr==null || lr.isEmpty())
  return true;

r = lr.get(0);
app = r.informationSystemName;

ra = new com.soffid.iam.api.RoleAccount();
ra.setDomainValue(new com.soffid.iam.api.DomainValue());
return true;