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LDAP Connector



This connector implements the LDAP standard and it is used to connect the Sync-Server with every server that allows this communication protocol.

Managed System

There are a lot of servers and products that use this standard, for instance, the most known systems are:

  • 389 Directory Server.

  • Apache Directory Server.

  • OpenLDAP.

  • OpenDJ.

  • Active Directory.

  • Oracle Directory Server.

For more information: List of LDAP software.

If your system is not in the previous list, it's possible to include it easily!

For more information to check if your system may be synchronized with this connector you do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact form


It is needed a user with full administrator access.

Download and Install

This addon is located in the Connectors section and its name is LDAP plugin.

For more information about the installation process you can visit the Addons Getting started page.

Agent Configuration


Generic parameters

After the installation of the addon, you may create and configure agent instances.

To configure this LDAP Connector you must select "LDAP-Custom (with triggers)" in the attribute "Type" of the generic parameters section in the agent's page configuration.

For more information about how you may configure the generic parameters of the agent, see the following link: Agents configuration


Custom parameters

Below there are the specific parameters for this agent implementation:



User name

User name in DN format, including base name if needed



Host name

Host name of the server

Enable SSL

Base DN

LDAP Base name


Password hash algorithm

The algorithm is used to encrypt the password. For instance SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5, etc

Password hash prefix

LDAP Query page size

Enable debug

Two options: Yes, No. When it is enabled more log traces are printed in the Synchronization Server log

Attribute mapping

This connector can manage users, accounts, roles, groups, and grants.


As a limitation, it cannot detect password changes to be propagated to other systems.


Some agents require to configure some custom attributes, you will use the properties section to do that.





LDAP attribute where Soffid account name is stored. If the property is not present, object will be searched by its distinguishedName


LDAP attribute


Set to true to remove disabled accounts from LDAP server

If a key value is set, LDAP connector will search for objects based on this LDAP attribute value, rather than its DN. Thus, an index on this attributed is highly recommended.


To support object renaming, Soffid needs to store the Soffid account name on a specific LDAP attribute. It's highly recommended to index such a field. To enable it, add the following properties to each object mapping. At any time, object renaming can be disabled by setting the property rename to false.





You can customize attribute mappings, you only need to select system objects and the Soffid objects related, manage their attributes, and make either inbound or outbound attribute mappings.

Using a windows connector you can map users, groups, and role objects. Active Directory membership is automatically managed based on user and group mappings.

You can map users, groups, and role objects. User membership must be managed on the role members' attribute expression.

Any object mapping must have the following system attributes:

System attribute


LDAP Object Class. It can evaluate to an array of objects


Full qualified object name

For more information about how you may configure attribute mapping, see the following link: Soffid Attribute Mapping Reference

For instance:



You can define BeanShell scripts that will be triggered when data is loaded into the target system (outgoing triggers). The trigger result will be a boolean value, true to continue or false to stop.

Triggers can be used to validate or perform a specific action just before performing an operation or just after performing an operation on target objects. 

To view some examples, visit the Outgoing triggers examples page.