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Password recovery questions


Soffid allows to end-user configure the questions and answers in Soffid console to recover the password when this functionality will be necessary.

The option to configure the Questions and Answerr is on My Profile page. At this page, the user could configure its owns questions and answers.

There is a config parameterer Enforce fill-in questions in Soffid Password recovery configuration to ask the answers to the end-user until these are filled in.

Screen Overview

My profile

The end-user could fill in the existing questions or add new questions.



Password recovery




Allows you to add a new question to the question list.

First of all you need to click the add button (+), then Soffid will add a new row to write the new question. You must confirm the changes by clickin on the "Confirm changes" button.


Allows you to delete one by one the default questions. 

You need to click the subtraction icon at the end of the line that you want to delete.


Allows you to close the form and save the updates

Recover password

By clicking the Recover password option, on the login page, the user could recover its password, in this case, using the password recovery questions.

Once the user click this option, Soffid will ask the user name to get the recovery questions and displays them. The user must to full fil the answers and click the recover button. If the answers are correct, Soffid allows to the user types a new password.