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Configure Default questions


Soffid allows to the administrator user, o the user with the proper roles, to configure the default questions that will be displayed to the end-users. Those questions will be the default questions, the end-users could change them and configure other questions.

To config the question&answer recovery, the adminitrator-user needs to configure some parameters at the "Password recovery questions" tab:

  • Enable question&answer recovery
  • Minimum number of filled-in questions
  • Questions to answer to unlock
  • Number to answer to unlock

Once, question&answer recovery parameters are configured, the end-users must complete the answers in the Self-service portal in order to user the recover password method when it will be necessary.

Screen Overview

Default questions






Allows you to add a new question to the question list.

First of all you need to click the add button (+), then Soffid will add a new row to write the new question. You must confirm the changes by clickin on the "Confirm changes" button.


Allows you to delete one by one the default questions. 

You need to click the subtraction icon at the end of the line that you want to delete.