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Support and configuration tools


KojiKabuto.exe, the main Soffid ESSO component, picks settings and rules automatically from Soffid synchronization server at login. This configuration can be updated by running the command "KojiKabuto update". Once run, new rules will apply to all new processes. Mind that application processes that where running before the update is done will still use the old rules set.

Additionally, you can drive SSO by yourself for testing purposes. Mazinger.exe is the command line version of Soffid ESSO. It accepts the following commands:

To stop SSO service:

mazinger stop

To start Mazinger services:

mazinger start [-trace] [-debug] [file.mzn]

To get a configuration file, you can download from: https://<synchronizationserver>:760/getmazingerconfig?user = .....

The -debug switch allows Mazinger to display all the single sign on events that are produced at users applications.

The -trace switch is only inteded for debugging and support usage.

To view all the single sign on events on a running ESSO instance, you can run:

mazinger debug

To view current SSO service status, run:

mazinger status

Mazinger can also dump XML files describing the applications user interface. This XML files can be used to describe SSO rules. To dump this XML descriptors, execute:

mazinger spy

Mazinger spy and mazinger trace are very useful when you are creating a new ESSO rule in order to see what parameters, components, atributes, ... the application are using.

In order to execute this commands, you must go to the ESSO installation directory. For example, C:\Program Files\SoffidEsso\mazinger.exe trace.