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38 total results found
Installing Sync server
Guide to install Sync server on Kubernetes. Prerequisites Soffid IAM sync server requires the following requirements: Supported database installed Soffid Console Installed Video Tutorial Linux Installation You can use the docker image described a...
Installing IAM Console
Guide to install IAM Console on Kubernetes. Prerequisites Kubernetes 8GB RAM > 10GB disk space Supported database installed Video Tutorial Linux Installation You can use the docker image described at Installing IAM console using Docker. Here yo...
Initialize database on your server
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to initialize a database required for Soffid IAM installation. Prerequisites First of all, you sould install a database required in the Soffid IAM installation. The supported databases are: MySQL MariaDB Post...
Installing Sync server
Guide to install Sync server using Docker. There is a public docker image at docker hub: Prerequisites Soffid IAM sync server requires the following requirements: Supported database installed Soffid Console Insta...
System architecture
Soffid Architecture Soffid 3 system is composed of up to five different components: IAM console Sync server Repository PAM Jump server (optional) LDAP Directory server (optional) Enterprise SSO (optional) IAM Console Is the portal used by adm...
Configure TLS for IAM Console
Introduction The TLS protection of Soffid IAM Console is applied through the configuration of the Apache TomEE embedded in the installation. This solution is running under java technology therefore we need a jks file (Java Key Store) or a PKCS#12 file with t...
How to install Federation in Soffid?
Installation Download Please download the Soffid Federation add-on. You could download it at the following link if you have a Soffid user with authorization, or in the following
How to copy to Kubernetes Secrets?
When making any manual changes to the Sync server configuration files, it will be necessary to copy these changes to the Kubernetes secrets. Command example: java -cp "/opt/soffid/iam-sync/bin/bootstrap.jar" com.soffid.iam.sync.bootstrap.KubernetesSaver ...
How to copy Sync Server Kube Conf to Database table?
When you install soffid Sync server in kubernetes, a properties file is generated. If this file is not saved in a permanent storage, it could be lost during the Syns Server upgrade process. Here you are the steps to copy your Kube config to a data base table ...
ESSO Installation Windows (from 3.3.3-enterprise to 3.4.3-enterprise)
Introduction Soffid ESSO is a full Enterprise Single Sign on solution. Here you can find the details about the ESSO from 3.3.3-enterprise to 3.4.3-enterprise iversions nstallation. Supported platforms Soffid ESSO supports Windows XP or later workstations....
⏰ Getting started
Introduction Soffid provides a collection of add-ons that can be installed to add functionalities to the Soffid Console. There are several Addons available to be installed to add functionalities to the Soffid Console. These add-ons can be found at: http://ww...
Installing IAM Console
Guide to install IAM Console using Docker. There is a public docker image at docker hub: Prerequisites Docker 8GB RAM > 10GB disk space (50GB recomended) Supported database installed Video Tutorial In...
ESSO Installation Windows (+3.5.0-enterprise)
Introduction Soffid ESSO is a full Enterprise Single Sign on solution. Here you can find the details about the ESSO +3.5.0-enterprise installation. Supported platforms Soffid ESSO supports Windows XP or later workstations. Windows Interactive installatio...