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EJB find handler: ejb-finder
Handles the method to retrieve business objects via a stateless session bean. Supports the following attributes: Attribute Usage jndi JNDI path to EJB Home interface method EJB Bean method to get business objec...
script-finder handler
It is responsible for retrieve business objects from the persistence layer using BSH scripts. The following attributes are supported Attribute Usage if EL expression that must be evaluated to true prior to handler acti...
collection-finder handler
Similar to collection-handler, this handler retrieves the list objects contained on a parent collection. Attribute Usage collection EL expression that contains the objects collection if EL expression tha...
custom-finder handler
The custom-finder provides coverage for situations where you need a more sophisticated handler and is not worth implement it using a script. In this case a class that implements the FinderHandler interface must be developed, and the custom-finder specifying th...
new-instance-script handler
It is responsible for instantiating new objectswithin a finder on user request . Attribute Usage if EL expression that must be evaluated to true prior to handler action unless EL expression that must be eva...
new-instance-bean handler
This handler allows the craetion of a new business object and assign default attribute values. The value of the bean attributes is specified using multiple instances of the bean-attribute tag Attribute Usage className ...
custom-attribute handler
Generates virtual attributes derived from other attributes or external elements of the application. It can be applied to any DataNode to add attributes that were not originally present at the underlying business object. Those attributes will be presented at th...
Using dynamic models
To use dynamic models XmlDataSource tag must be replaced by datamodel. The datamodel tag has the following attributes: Attribute Usage id ZK Identifier className root DataNode class name src X...
Introduction to BPM Editor
What is BPM? Business Process Management is a discipline for executing of management methodology to improve an organization’s business processes. That uses a combination of modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement and optimization of business act...
User management
Description The user management process type is used to define business processes to create and update identities and their attributes. You can use the default template included on Soffid BPM Editor and customize it with your business needs. Also, you can im...
Permissions management
Description The permissions management process type is used to define processes used to create, update and remove permissions and account to identities. You can use the default template included on Soffid BPM Editor and customize it with your business needs....
Account reservation
Description The account reservation process type is used to configure the use of privileges accounts. That type of process will be launched when the end-users want to connect to a system using a privileged account through the password vault. Soffid allows yo...
Detect duplicated user
Definition That step is used to define the proper rules to determine the potential conflicts between the identity for who is the request, and the Soffid existing identities. Whit that definition, Soffid will find the potential conflicts, and the end-user coul...
Definition This step is used to define a custom script that will be executed Steps Tabs Task details All the process types have the same Task details for the Custom step: Script: allows you to define a Script this step allows you to add a script to be ...
Definition This step allows you to configure the necessary parameters to send an email when the flow reaches this point. That mail will be an informative mail, and the receptor could not perform any action from the mail. To send mail, you will need to config...
Definition This step is used to divide the workflow into two or more paths that will run in parallel, allowing multiple activities to run simultaneously. /====> path 1 =====\ Fork ==== ==> Join \====> path...
Definition This step is used to combine two or more parallel paths into one path. Steps Tabs Task details This process type does not have task details for the fork step. Incoming transitions The Incoming transitions tab displays the previous steps where...
Description The end step finalizes the process. It is the last step of the workflow. Steps Tabs Task details This process type does not have task details for the start step. Incoming transitions The Incoming transitions tab displays the previous steps wh...
Definition That is the first step of the workflow. At that step, you could define the fields you want to show when the end users will go to make a request. Steps Tabs Task details This process type does not have task details for the start step. Fields In...
Description This step is used to define the custom form that will be used by the users who have to approve or to reject the generated task. To configure that step will be necessary to determine the fields that will be show to the users, and the actions that t...