Recently Updated Pages
How to Install Password Manager?
Step-by-Step 1. The first time you access your Password Vauls, Soffid will ask you to install th...
My certificates and FIDO tokens
Description My certificates and FIDO tokens are part of a Soffid Self-service portal that allows...
New Page
Guess the Number Guess a number between 1 and 10: Submit Guess
Add applications
Description This wizard allows you to add a new Service Provider, that is, to configure an appli...
OTP settings
Definition The OTP settings allow the administrator users to configure the available OPT options...
Description Operators can define the subnets that compose the internal network, in order to mana...
How to make a Mariadb Backup?
You can perform Mariadb backup by executing the following command: sudo docker exec -i MARIADB_C...
Shared signals & events members
⏰ Getting started
Introduction Soffid provides the connectors needed to provision accounts on the most widely used...
Installing Sync server
Guide to install Sync server using Docker. There is a public docker image at docker hub: https:/...
Initialize database on your server
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to initialize a database required for Soffid IAM inst...
Role mining
Description Soffid’s role mining feature applies data mining technology to create business profi...
Installing IAM Console
Guide to install IAM Console on Kubernetes. Prerequisites Kubernetes 8GB RAM > 10GB disk s...
Step 6. Passwords rotation
Introduction The password rotation reduces the vulnerability to password-based attacks. Soffid a...
Local configuration properties
Introduction file gives administrators a way to customize and improve synchron...
Customice logging
Introduction Sync server logging can be customized by adding file in the conf...
High Availability
Introduction High availability configuration is supported on each layer of the Soffid stack. Da...
Upgrade Soffid3
Upgrade from version 2 These are the steps to upgrade your Soffid 2 deployment to Soffid 3: S...
How to configure Soffid Authenticator?
Steps to configure Soffid Authenticator To obtain SSO and MFA for any web or legacy application,...
How to use Soffid Authenticator?
Steps to use Soffid Authenticator 1. First of all, open the web or legacy application in your br...