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Cannot retrieve password for account ... ...
Error Description Cannot retrieve the password for the account ... ... Screen overv...
Password vault
Description Soffid provides a protected storage, to save and manage accounts for multiple applic...
BPM Editor
Description BPM is a technology that allows modeling, implementing, and executing processes auto...
Definition That is the first step of the workflow. At that step, you could define the fields you...
Configure Workflow engine
Description Soffid can use any document repository to store documents generated by workflows, re...
Service Provider
Definition The Service Providers are standard applications that rely on Identity Providers to le...
How to enable WinRM?
Introduction On this page we will describe the steps to follow to enable WinRM with the domain c...
Script action
Definition This step is used to define a custom script that will be executed Steps Tabs Task ...
Shell Connector
Introduction Description Linux Connector could manage a lot of services running on Linux system...
SCIM User examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the user object. List all ...
Introduction to Self Service Portal
What is Self-Service Portal? Soffid Console provides the Self-Service Portal, where the end-user...
My OTP devices
Description My OTP devices are part of a Soffid Self-service portal that allows end-users to acc...
LDAP Connector
Introduction Description This connector implements the LDAP standard and it is used to connect ...
Change Password URL
There is a service point to allow users change their passwords. Simply redirect the user to: h...
How to deploy the identity & service provider
Step-by-step 1. To deploy the identity provider is advisable to install a dedicated sync server....
Incoming triggers examples
Load triggers When you are configuring an agent, depending on the connector type, it will be abl...
Synchronization servers
Description Sync server is the engine responsible for connecting Soffid with data sources or man...
Windows Connector
Introduction Description This connector implements the LDAPS protocol and it is used to connect...
Configuring Rules for Single Sign On
Configuring Single Sign-on User interface pattern recognition Web interfaces pattern recogn...
Application access tree
Description The entry points could be to connect to information systems defined on Soffid, or to...