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Definition of dynamic models using XML descriptors

Definition of dynamic models using XML descriptors


It is possible to define the underlying data model without having to write java code. To do this,...

Ejb-handler Handler

It is responsible for persisting the object via a stateless session bean. The following attribute...

Script-handler Handler

It ca be used to persist the business objects using BSH scripts. Supports the following attribute...

Collection-handler Handler

This handler is applicable when the persistence of this object is managed by the parent dataNode....

Custom-handler Handler

The custom-handler provides coverage for situations where you need a more sophisticated handler a...

Data validation

The validation tag is responsible for performing basic checks regarding mandatory attributes and ...

EJB find handler: ejb-finder

Handles the method to retrieve business objects via a stateless session bean. Supports the follow...

script-finder handler

It is responsible for retrieve business objects from the persistence layer using BSH scripts. The...

collection-finder handler

Similar to collection-handler, this handler retrieves the list objects contained on a parent coll...

custom-finder handler

The custom-finder provides coverage for situations where you need a more sophisticated handler an...

new-instance-script handler

It is responsible for instantiating new objectswithin a finder on user request . Att...

new-instance-bean handler

This handler allows the craetion of a new business object and assign default attribute values. Th...

custom-attribute handler

Generates virtual attributes derived from other attributes or external elements of the applicatio...

Using dynamic models

To use dynamic models XmlDataSource tag must be replaced by datamodel. The datamodel tag has the ...