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Reports definitions


At the report definitions tab you can add new reports to Soffid Console, and manage the the existing ones.

You can create your own reports, you can visit the How to customize Reporting page, or download then from the Standard reports library page

Screen overview



Download iReport component

Allows you to download the ireport-addon.jar.

That add-on will be customized and added to the iReport designer to design your owns reports. You can visit the How to start Reporting in Soffid page.


Allows you to upload a designed report with iReport tool. You can upload defautl jasper files or customized jasper files as well.

First of all, you need to click the Upload option by clicking in the hamburguer icon. Then Soffid will display a window to pick up the new report (a .jasper file).


Allows you to upload a designed report with iReport tool. You can upload defautl jasper files or customized jasper files as well. 

First of all, you need to click the add button (+). Then Soffid will display a window to pick up the new report (a .jasper file).


Allows you to delete one or more defined reports. To delete reports, first select the reports, then click on the subtract button (-) and finally Soffid will ask you to confirm or cancel the operation.

Update report

By clicling on a report, Soffid will display the report configuration. You could update and customize the report configuration.

You can download the iReport designer from  sourceforge.