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XACML eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
XACML Examples
XACML Examples
Soffid XACML Editor
Soffid XACML Editor
Example Dynamic role PEP
Dynamic role Enforcement Point Use case example We want to define a policy to restrict access to the Soffid console user's page (MainMenu > Administration > Resources > Users). The users who are assigned to the SOFFID_RRHH role (from this point forward: end...
Example Role centric PEP
Role centric Enforcement Point Use case example We want to define a policy to restrict access to the Soffid console role's page (MainMenu > Administration > Resources > Roles). The users who belong to the "enterprise" group as primary group (from this point...
Description Variables are the elements to define functions that may be used througthout the policy. Screen overview Related objects Policy Expressions Standard attributes Variable name: Name to identify the variable. Expressions: Any elemen...
Description Condition represents a Boolean expression that refines the applicability of the rule beyond the predicates implied by its target. Therefore, it may be absent. Screen overview Related objects Policy Expressions Standard attributes ...
Example Web PEP
Web Policy Enforcement Point Use case example We want to define a policy to restrict access to some pages of the Soffid console. The users who are assigned to the SOFFID_RRHH role (from this point forward: end-users) will have limitations to access to some ...
Policy reference
Description The policy reference is used to reference a policy element. The reference is made by id of the policy. However, the mechanism for resolving a policy set reference to the corresponding policy is outside the scope of this specification. Related ob...
Policy set reference
Description The policy set reference is used to reference a policy set element. The reference is made by id of the policy set. However, the mechanism for resolving a policy set reference to the corresponding policy set is outside the scope of this specificati...
Description XACML defines obligations as actions that have to be returned to the PEP with the PDP response XACML . If the PDP's evaluation is viewed as a tree of rules, policy sets and policies, each of which returns "Permit" or "Deny", then the set of obl...
XACML Editor
Description Soffid Console provides a graphical interface, with a hierarchy structure, that allows the management of Policy Decision Points in a easy way. You can create new policy sets, policies, policy set references and policy references. To start you onl...
Example Password Vault PEP
Password Vault Policy Enforcement Point Use case example 1 We want to define a policy to restrict access to the Soffid Password Vault. The users who are assigned to the SOFFID_ADMIN role (from this point forward: end-users) will have limitations to perform ...
Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
Description The PEP, Policy enforcement point, is a component of policy-based management, where enforce the policies. It is the component that serves as the gatekeeper to access a digital resource. The PEP gives the PDP, Policy Decision Point, the job of dec...
Policy Decision Point (PDP)
Definition The PDP, Policy Decision Point, is in charge of evaluating the defined rules. The Policy Decision Point is essentially a policy compiler. The PDP must verify that the specified rules are within the scope of the rule authors authority. The PDP provi...
XACML Rule combining algorithm
Definition The rule-combining algorithm defines a procedure for arriving at an authorization decision given the individual results of evaluation of a set of rules XACML rule combining algorithms is in charge to combine the decisions produced by different...
Description A rule is the most elementary unit of policy. It may exist in isolation only within one of the major actors of the XACML domain. In order to exchange rules between major actors, they must be encapsulated in a policy. A rule can be evaluated on t...
Description The Expression signifies that an element that extends the ExpressionType and is a member of the Expression substitution group shall appear in its place. The Expression is not used directly in a policy. Expressions are elements that allow to...
Introduction to XACML
What is XACML? XACML "eXtensible Access Control Markup Language" is an open standard XML based language. The standard defines a declarative fine-grained, attribute-based access control policy language, an architecture, and a processing model describing how to...
Description A Policy represents a single access control policy, expressed through a set of Rules. Policy Combining Algorithm Target Variables Rules Obligations Screen overview Related objects Policy set Target Variables Rules Obligatio...
Policy set
Description A PolicySet is a container that can hold other Policies or PolicySets, as well as references to policies found in remote locations. Policy Combining Algorithm Target Obligations Every PolicySet contains a target and obligations, both c...
Description Defines to which access requests a policy or rule applies. In XACML all the attributes are categorized into four main categories: Subjects Resources Actions Environments A target can contains more than one subject, environment, resource...