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409 total results found
Schedule weekly risk report
Description The wizard allows you to schedule a new Weekly risk report. It is a document that provides an overview of the potential risks. The information in this document is related to the rules defined in the SoD. For more information, you can visit the S...
Design a recertification campaign
Description The wizard allows you to create a new recertification campaign. To be able to do this, Soffid has created two recertification policies, All permissions and Critical permissions. For more information, you can visit the Recertification book. ...
Create advanced authorization rules
Description This wizard allows you to browse the XACML Policy Management page to create new policies to add more complex and restricted rules to the authorizations. For more information, you can visit the XACML page. Screen overview Screen o...
Discover your assets
Description Soffid allows you to configure the network discovery tool in a way to run the process to identify any asset present in your network. For more information, you can visit the Network discovery page. Step-by-step 1. Once you select the Discover yo...
Publish accounts in the password vault
Description This wizard allows you to publish some accounts in the password vault in order to save and manage these accounts and their password. For more information, you can visit the Password vault page. Step-by-step 1. Once you select the Public account...
Create monitoring and recording policies
Description PAM policy is a subset of cybersecurity policies that deal with privileged access. This determines which users can have privileged access to specific systems, when, and for how long. You can check the policies in the following menu option: Main M...
Create MFA policies
Description This wizard allows you to configure the access control rules for Soffid Console. By default, an OTP will be required to access to the Password vault or application menu. You can check the configuration in the following menu option: Main Menu > Ad...
Create identities (manually, CSV file, or authoritative source)
Create MFA policies
Description This wizard will help you to configure multi-factor authentication in order to expand security. This process requires users to provide two or more forms of identification before being granted access to a system or application. For more informatio...
Create adaptive authentication rules
Description Adaptive authentication rules are a set of security policies and mechanisms that adjust authentication requirements. These rules determine the strength of authentication required for each user, based on factors such as their location, device, past...
Configuration wizard
For more information, you can visit the Configuration wizard book For more information, you can visit the Configuration wizard book
Export settings and objects
Description Soffid has the functionality that allows you to export configuration, Soffid objects, and objects from target systems in a ZIP file. Every object or configuration will be downloaded into the ZIP in a binary file. This ZIP file could be imported i...
Import settings and objects
Description Soffid has the functionality that allows you to import configuration, Soffid objects, and objects from target systems from a ZIP file. This ZIP file must be generated by the export action from another Soffid tenant. For more information, you can...
Console log
Description That option allows you to look up server logs from the console. The logs are created on the server filesystem. Screen Overview Actions Download Allows you to download the log file
Description The sessions page displays the current open sessions made with ESSO, WSSO or PAM for which the user is the owner. This functionality allows the owner users, with appropriate privileges, to open and view online a session opened by another user. I...
Scheduled jobs
Description Schedule jobs display all the asynchronous tasks generated for the workflows engine. When a job is finished, it will disappear from that list. Standard attributes ID: job identifier. Name: job name. Process: process identifier and descriptio...
Scheduled tasks
Description Schedule tasks display all the automatic tasks defined on Soffid, the scheduling of each task, and information about the last execution. Also, allows administrator users to update the execution of that tasks using a cron pattern and init the execu...
🔎 Overview
Introduction The Soffid 3 reference guide wants to present all the functionality contained in version 3 of the Soffid Console, explaining the functionality of all the screens and the functionality of each of them. The documentation is organized as the option...
Network discovery
SCIM Entity Group examples
Operations This page shows the functions that can be performed for the Entity Group object. List all Request GET http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/EntityGroup Response 200 OK { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2...