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Register extensible object
Create a service that extends ApplicationBootService In the methods syncServerBoot and consoleBo...
Create extensible object
Create a Java Class that extends com.soffid.iam.sync.intf.ExtensibleObject Add a constructor tha...
The process to create custom object is composed of ... steps: Implement a class that implement...
SCIM Account examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the account object List all...
Recertifications to do
Description When a campaign is run, the pending recertifications will be displayed in the Recert...
SCIM Issue examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the issue object. List all ...
SCIM Group examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the group object. List all ...
SCIM Application examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the application object (Info...
SCIM Role examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the role object List all R...
SCIM Group type examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the Group Type object List ...
SCIM User type examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the user type object List a...
SCIM GroupUser examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the object that establishes ...
SCIM Host examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the host object. List all ...
SCIM MailDomain examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the MailDomain object. List...
SCIM MailList examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the MailList object. List a...
SCIM Network examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the Network object. List al...
SCIM DomainValue examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the DomainValue object. The ...
SCIM VaultFolder examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the VaultFolder object List...
SCIM System examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the Systems object (Agents)....
SCIM CustomObject examples
Operations This page shows the operations that can be performed for the CustomObjects object Li...