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Installing IAM Console

Guide to install IAM Console using Docker. 

There is a public docker image at docker hub:



Video Tutorial


To configure IAM console, the following environment variables can be set:

Variable Description Example
DB_URL JDBC URL jdbc:mariadb://dbcontainer/soffid
DB_USER Database user Soffid
DB_PASSWORD Database password 5uper5ecret
JAVA_OPT Java virtual machine options -Xmx4096m
SECURE (optional) Enables the Java Security Manager true

The following volumes are defined by default:

Volume Usage
/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/logs Console log files
/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/docs Text search engine index files. It can be erased at any time. The engine will regenerate the search engine 
/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/conf Configuration files, including server.xml and tomee.xml files

Here you have a sample command to start a docker container running IAM console, in this case the docker will be in a docker network, previously created. MariaDB docker is at the same network.

docker run -d \
   -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://mariadb-service/soffid \
   -e DB_USER=soffid \
   -e DB_PASSWORD=soffid \
   --name=iam-console \
   --publish=8080:8080 \
   --network=soffidnet \

To see console log files, execute:

docker logs -f iam-console
By default, the 8080 port will be exposed. When the TLS connection is going to be configured, add the tag --publish=443:443 to publisg the TLS port.

Now you can connect IAM Console http://localhost:8080/soffid The first thing you must do is to change the admin user password. When the console is created, the password for user admin will be valid for 24 hours.

Next Step: Installing Sync server