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Installing IAM Console

Guide to install IAM Console using Docker. 

There is a public docker image at docker hub:


To install IAM console is required to have a database installed and initialized.

You can check the documentation Initialize database

Video Tutorial


To configure IAM console, the following environment variables can be set:

Variable Description Example
DB_URL JDBC URL jdbc:mariadb://dbcontainer/soffid
DB_USER Database user
DB_PASSWORD Database password
JAVA_OPT Java virtual machine options -Xmx4096m
SECURE (optional) Enables the Java Security Manager true

The following volumes are defined by default:

Volume Usage
/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/logs Console log files
/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/docs Text search engine index files. It can be erased at any time. The engine will regenerate the search engine 
/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/conf Configuration files, including server.xml and tomee.xml files

Here you have a sample command to start a docker container running IAM console, in this case the docker will be in a docker network, previously created. MariaDB docker is at the same network.

docker run -d \
   -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://mariadb-service/soffid \
   -e DB_USER=soffid \
   -e DB_PASSWORD=soffid \
   --name=iam-console \
   --publish=8080:8080 \
   --network=soffidnet \

To see console log files, execute:

docker logs -f iam-console
By default, the 8080 port will be exposed. When the TLS connection is going to be configured, add the tag --publish=443:443 to publisg the TLS port.

Now you can connect IAM Console http://localhost:8080/soffid The first thing you must do is to change the admin user password.

Next Step: Installing Sync server