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JSON REST Web Services Connector



This connector allows the integration with any Web Service able to consume and generate JSON documents through REST communication.

Managed System

Every commercial product or custom web application that allows REST communication with JSON documents.

There a lot of products that use this standard, for instance:

  • JIRA.
  • Oracle Filed Service Cloud (OFSC).
  • Office 365.
  • Dropbox.

If your system is not in the previous list, it's possible to include it easily!

For more information to check if your system may be synchronized with this connector you do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact form


It is needed a user with access and permissions to the endpoints and operations required in the scope of the integration.

Also the documentation, specification or tutorial of the implementation of the JSON REST Web Service is required to apply the mapping configuration.

Download and Install

This addon is located in the Connectors section and its name is REST (json) plugin.

You can visit the Addons Getting started page for more information about the installation process.

Agent Configuration


Generic parameters

After the installation of the addon, you may create and configure agent instances.

To configure this JSON REST Web Service Connector you must select "JSON Rest Webservice" in the attribute "Type" of the generic parameters section in the agents' page configuration.

For more information about how you may configure the generic parameters of the agent, see the following link: Agents configuration

Custom parameters

Below there are the specific parameters for this agent implementation:


Server URL

URL of the REST web service.  

Base URL for making calls.

Authentication method

Available options:

  • None: no authentication (User and Password are not used).
  • Basic: it uses the User and Password to generate the authentication token.
  • Bearer token: it is provided by the application to which we are trying to connect.
  • Token: generate a token from a specific authentication URL. It is no longer used.
  • Token oAuth Client Credentials
  • Token oAuth Password Grant

(*) You can find more information in the Authentication method section.

Enable debug

Two options: "Yes", "No": it enables or not more log traces in the Synchronization Server log

Proxy host

Only when the proxy is needed.

Proxy port

Only when the proxy is needed.

XML Templates

Allows you to add new XML templates with SOAP requests and then configure them at attribute mappings.

Authentication method

None: no authentication is needed. There are no parameters to configure.


Basic: the username and password are sent with each request.

  • User Name: user to authenticate.
  • Password: the password of the user to authenticate.


Bearer token

  • Bearer token: this token is provided by the application to which we are going to connect.


Token: calls the authentication URL with the POST method and with the username and password, and the response will be the token. It is no longer used.

  • User Name: user to authenticate.
  • Password: the password of the user to authenticate.
  • Authentication URL: URL to retrieve the token for the server's authentication (for "Token" method).


Token oAuth Client Credentials

  • Authentication URL: URL to retrieve the token for the server's authentication (for "Token" method).
  • Token attr. output: the value is always access_token.
  • Request parameters:
    • Client ID: it is like the user.
    • Client secret:  it is the password.
    • Scope: it is the permissions.


Token oAuth Password Grant

  • User Name: user to authenticate.
  • Password: the password of the user to authenticate.
  • Authentication URL: URL to retrieve the token for the server's authentication (for "Token" method).
  • Token attr. output: the value is always access_token.
  • Request parameters:
    • Client ID: it is like the user.
    • Client secret:  it is the password.
    • Scope: it is the permissions.


Attribute mapping

This connector can manage users, accounts, roles, groupsgroups, and grants.

Note that any changes made to the methods will affect the properties and vice versa.


This agent allows you to define methods to be called using the defined properties. There are some default methods, but you can customize your own methods.

Default methods:

  • load
  • delete
  • update
  • insert
  • select

For each method, the properties to set up are as follows:

Path A valid URL to callcall. This path must be the continuation of the Server URL for making calls.
Method Available methods to call a Rest API (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH)

Specific type of encoded data that will be used. There are three supported types:

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • application/json
  • text/xml
XML Template
Applies only if it is text/xml. You need to write the name of the corresponding template defined on the XML Templates.

Applies with application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json

  • You must type which attributes, defined on the System attributes, will be sent.
  • If none are to be sent, you must write hyphen - 
  • If nothing is typed, all parameters are sent.
Success HTTP Codes
Failure HTTp Codes
Pagination URL
Pagination script
Condition script
Optional header
Optional header
Optional header


In this agent, the configuration of the properties attributes areis very important due to they define the functionality of the integration:

This agent has five families of properties:

Load Used to retrieve all the objects in the target system
Select Used to retrieve an object in the target system
Insert Used to create an object in the target system
Update Used to update an object in the target system
Delete Used to remove an object in the target system

These families are involved in the following processes:

Reconcile automatic task Load + select
Authoritative automatic task Load + select
Sync new object Select + Insert
Sync updated object Select + Update
Sync deleted object Select + Delete

These are the pictures of the mechanisms used to synchronize objects:

JSON Connector - Diagram 1.png

JSON Connector - Diagram 2.png

These are the properties attributes grouped by family:




loadPath (required)

Denotes the path (relative to webserver root) where the WebService is located. It can contain variable names in the form of ${variableName}. JSON connector will replace that name for the actual value. Eventually, complex expressions can be written in, but it's discouraged

loadMethod (required)

Denotes the HTTP method to use: PUT, POST, GET and DELETE are allowed

loadParams (required)

Put the character '-' in case you would avoid its value

loadCheck (optional)

Denotes a script that will check whether the invocation has been successful or not. Each JSON attribute received from the target WebService will be available as context variables

loadResults (optional)

But highly recommended) denotes the JSON portion that contains current data for the user. If this element is not present, or empty, the connector will conclude the user does not exist yet. This property will contain a simple JSON attribute name, but complex scripts are also allowed

loadHeader (optional)

Use this property to send HTTP header(s).
More than one header can be sent by adding multiple properties loadHeader1, loadHeader2, and so on.
The value of the header is "HEADER:VALUE", for example "Accept:application/json".




selectPath (required)

Denotes the path (relative to webserver root) where the WebService is located. It can contain variable names in the form of ${variableName}. JSON connector will replace that name for the actual value. Eventually, complex expressions can be written in, but it's discouraged

selectMethod (required)

Denotes the HTTP method to use: PUT, POST, GET and DELETE are allowed

selectEncoding (optional)

Denotes the encoding used to send to the target webservice. application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded are supported. The first one is used by default to POST and PUT requests. The second one is used by default for GET and DELETE requests

selectCheck (optional)

Denotes a script that will check whether the invocation has been successful or not. Each JSON attribute received from target web service will be available as context variables

selectResults (optional)

Denotes the JSON portion that contains current data for the user. It this element is not present, or empty, the connector will conclude the user does not exist yet. This property will contain a simple JSON attribute name, but complex scripts are also allowed

selectHeader (optional)

Use this property to send HTTP header(s).
More than one header can be sent by adding multiple properties selectHeader1, selectHeader2, and so on.
The value of the header is "HEADER:VALUE", for example "Accept:application/json".


insertPath (required)

Denotes the path (relative to webserver root) where the webservice is located

insertMethod (required)

Denotes the HTTP method to use: PUT, POST, GET and DELETE are allowed

insertEncoding (optional)

Denotes the encoding used to send to the target webservice. application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded are supported. The first one is used by default to POST and PUT requests. The second one is used by default for GET and DELETE requests

insertCheck (optional)

Denotes a script that will check whether the invocation has been successful or not. Each json attribute received from target web service will be available as context variables

insertHeader (optional)

Use this property to send HTTP header(s).
More than one header can be sent by adding multiple properties insertHeader1, insertHeader2, and so on.
The value of the header is "HEADER:VALUE", for example "Accept:application/json".

insertParams (optional)

Type in the attributes that will be sent to the rest server. If this property is not set, all attributes will be sent.


updatePath (required)

Denotes the path (relative to webserver root) where the webservice is located

updateMethod (required)

Denotes the HTTP method to use: PUT, POST, GET and DELETE are allowed

updateEncoding (optional)

Denotes the encoding used to send to the target webservice. application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded are supported. The first one is used by default to POST and PUT requests. The second one is used by default for GET and DELETE requests

updateCheck (optional

Denotes a script that will check whether the invocation has been successful or not. Each JSON attribute received from target web service will be available as context variables

updateHeader (optional)

Use this property to send HTTP header(s).
More than one header can be sent by adding multiple properties updateHeader1, updateHeader2, and so on.
The value of the header is "HEADER:VALUE", for example "Accept:application/json".

updateParams (optional)

Type in the attributes that will be sent to the rest server. If this property is not set, all attributes will be sent.


deletePath (required)

Denotes the path (relative to webserver root) where the webservice is located

deleteMethod (required)

Denotes the HTTP method to use: PUT, POST, GET and DELETE are allowed

deleteEncoding (optional)

Denotes the encoding used to send to the target webservice. application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded are supported. The first one is used by default to POST and PUT requests. The second one is used by default for GET and DELETE requests

deleteCheck (optional)

Denotes a script that will check whether the invokation has been successful or not. Each json attribute received from target web service will be available as context variables

deleteHeader (optional)

Use this property to send HTTP header(s).
More than one header can be sent by adding multiple properties deleteHeader1, deleteHeader2, and so on.
The value of the header is "HEADER:VALUE", for example "Accept:application/json".

deleteParams (optional)

Type in the attributes that will be sent to the rest server. If this property is not set, all attributes will be sent.

preventDeletion (required)

Set to false to enable delete method

How to retrieve data from the response with the *Results properties

a) One level

If the JSON has one level you have to avoid the property
    "userName" : "soffid"

b) Two level

If the JSON has two levels you have to create the property *Result and put the name of the parent attribute, for example:
    "user" : {    
        "userName" : "soffid"
And the property must be for example loadResults = user

c) More than two levels

If the JSON has more than two levels you have to create the property *Result and put the atributes in the next pattern

*Results = attribure1{"attribute2"}{"attribute3"}...

For example:
	"data" : {
        "user" : {    
            "userName" : {
                "string" : "soffid"

And the property must be for example:

loadResults = data{"user"}{"userName"}


You can customize attribute mappings, you only need to select system objects and the Soffid objects related, manage their attributes, and make either inbound and outbound attribute mappings.

You may map the attributes of the target system with the Soffid available attributes.

  • For the target system attributes is required to be access to its specification.
  • For the Soffid attributes, you may follow the next link.

For more information about how you may configure attribute mapping, see the following link: Soffid Attribute Mapping Reference

For instance:

As an example, below is how JSON connector will look like in order to manage JIRA accounts:

JSON Connector - example Jira.png


You can define BeanShell scripts that will be triggered when data is loaded into the target system (outgoing triggers). The trigger result will be a boolean value, true to continue or false to stop.

Triggers can be used to validate or perform a specific action just before performing an operation or just after performing an operation on target objects. 

To view some examples, visit the Outgoing triggers examples page.

Load triggers

You can define BeanShell scripts that will be triggered when data is loaded into Soffid (incoming triggers). The trigger result will be a boolean value, true to continue or false to stop.

Triggers can be used to validate or perform a specific action just before performing an operation or just after performing an operation into Soffid objects. 

To view some examples, visit the Incoming triggers examples page.

Account metadata

Agents allow you to create additional data, on the "Account metadata" tab, to customize the accounts created for that agent. This additional information will be loaded with the agent's information, or calculated as defined in the mappings.
The additional data can be used in both mappings and triggers.

The attributes which you define here will be shown when you click on the proper account, on the Accounts Tabs at user page.



After the agent configuration you could check in the monitoring page if the service is running in the Synchronization Server, please go to:

  • Start Menu > Administration > Monitoring and reporting > Syscserver monitoring



If you are checked "Authorized identity source", an automatic task to load identities from the managed system to Soffid is available, please go to:

  • Start Menu > Administration > Monitoring and reporting > Scheduled tasks

And you will something like "Import authoritative data from <AGENT_NAME>".


If you are configured the "Attribute Mapping" tab with some of our objects: "user, account, role, group or grant", an automatic task to synchronize these objects from the managed system to Soffid is available, please go to:

  • Start Menu > Administration > Monitoring and reporting > Scheduled tasks

And you will do something like "Reconcile all accounts from <AGENT_NAME>".


Regarding the synchronization of the objects, there are two possible options:

  • If you are checked the generic attribute "Read Only" in the "Basics" tab, only the changes in the managed systems will be updated in Soffid. We recommend these options until the global configuration of Soffid will be tested.
  • If you are not checked the generic attribute "Read Only" in the "Basics" tab, all the changes in Soffid or the managed system will be updated in the other. Note that this synchronization must be configured in the "Attribute mapping" tab correctly.

For more information about how you may configure the generic parameters of the agent, see the following link: Agents configuration