Introduction to Custom scripts
What is a Custom script?
The Administration Addon provides the capacity to launch custom scripts to perform any functionality or process that the Soffid API has available.
Additionally, with this addon, there is available the possibility to enable a special to get the metrics of the performance of the Soffid IAM components.
Through the Custom scripts page you could perform the next operations:
- You could create a new custom script.
- You could execute the custom script On demand by clicking on the Execute now button.
- You could execute the custom script as a Scheduled task, and it will be executed as you have configured the timetable. (*1)
- Month: number of the month (1-12) when the task will be performed.
- Day: number of the day (1-31) when the task will be performed.
- Hour: hour (0-23) when the task will be performed.
- Minute: minute (0-59) when the task will be performed.
- Day of week: number of day (0-7 where 0 means Sunday) of the week when the task will be performed.
- Server: where the agent is running.
- You could define the event in which the script will be launched:
- On user change: this kind of script will be launched when any user changes.
- On revoke permission: this type of script will be launched when permissions are revoked.
- On grant permission: this type of script will be launched when permissions are assigned.
On user change
When you define an event on user change, the user object will be available on the user variable to access and operate with it.
To find more details about the user object, you can visit the Soffid Objects page.
On grant permission
When you define an event on revoke or grant permission, the grant object will be available on the grant variable to access and operate with it.
To find more details about the grant object, you can visit the Soffid Objects page.
Below you could find a list of helpful links related to the building of custom scripts
API for the internal classes of Soffid:
Custom utility classes:
(*1) For each value of mont, day, hour, minute or day of the week: