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Soffid Console provides a graphical interface, with a hierarchy structure, that allows the management of Policy Decision Points in a easy way. You can create new policy sets, policies, policy set references and policy references.

To start you only need to click the button with the add symbol (+) and start to configure the policy set.

Once you have created the root policy set, you can add new policy sets, polices, policy set references and policy references as your company need. You only need to click on the proper button and fulfill the data. You can add more than one root policy set.

Also, you can import a PolicySet into the system. You need click the import option on the hamburger icon and pick up the file to import, that file must be a well-formed XML. 

Screen overview


Add new

Allows you to add a new policy set. You can choose that option on the hamburger menu or clicking the add button (+). Second,  you need to fulfill the mandatory fields, also the target and the obligations, and apply changes.


Allows you to import a XML file to add a new policy set. You can choose that option on the hamburger menu. Then you can pick up a .XML file, and Soffid will import the file.If you cancel that operation, Soffil will not upload and save the file.

New policy set

Allows you to add a new policy set as a child of another policy set. You can choose that option under the proper policy set, and then fulfill the form.

New policy

Allows you to add a new policy as a child of another policy set. You can choose that option under the proper policy set, and then fulfill the form.

New policy reference

Allows you to add a new policy reference as a child of another policy set. You can choose that option under the proper policy set, and then fulfill the form.

New policy set reference

Allows you to add a new policy set reference as a child of another policy set. You can choose that option under the proper policy set, and then fulfill the form.