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Network discovery


Network discovery is the tool that, given communication networks and configured access accounts, is able to identify the machines in each network and retrieve information about user accounts. Also, Network discovery can detect system accounts. For each network is mandatory to define the accounts and password of potential administrators to connect.

You can find more infomration about the networks on the Networks page.

The operating system of machines can be Windows or Linux and it is not neccesary to install any adtional software on those machines. 

Once the machines and accounts, both user and system, have been discovered, the critical accounts must be located in the password vault. You can visit the Password vault page for more information.

Sreen overview


Standard attributes

Network attributes


Those attributes are readOnly, you can update them on Network page.

  • Name: network name.
  • Description: brief description.
  • IP Address: IP range of this network.
  • IP address mask: IP mask of this network.


  • Server: list of available syncserver

Accounts to probe

  • Accounts to probe: list of potencial administrators accounts to connect to the machines.


  • Enabled: if it is selected (value is Yes), the task will be perform on scheduled defined. 
  • Task description: brief description of the task
  • Month: number of the month (1-12) when the task will be performed. 
  • Day:  number of the day (1-31) when the task will be performed.
  • Hour: hour (0-23) when the task will be performed. 
  • Minute: minute (0-59) when the task will be performed.
  • Day of week: number of the day (0-7 where 0 means Sunday) of the week when the task will be performed. 
  • Server: where the agent is running.

For each value of mont, day, hour, minute or day of the week:

  • * means any month, day, hour, minute or day of week. e.g. */5 to schedule each five minutes.
  • A single number specifies that unit value: 3
  • Some comma separated numbers: 1,3,5,7
  • A range of values: 1-5

Current execution

  • Start now: allows you to launch the task execution.

Last execution

  • Status: The available status for a task are:
    • Done (green light): task finished.
    • Pending (yellow light): task has been started but it has not finished yet.
    • Error (red light): task could not be executed.
  • Start date: start date and time of the last execution.
  • End date: end date and time of the last execution.
  • Execution log: log trace. Allows you to download the log file.

Previous executions

List with the information about the previous executions:

  • Start date: start date and time of the execution.
  • Status: status of the execution. 
  • Execution: log of the execution. Allows you to download the log file.

Machine attributes

  • Name
  • IP Address
  • Description
  • Operating system
  • Port /Protocol List:
    • Port
    • Description


Network discovery query

account of
Add new account repository

Allows you to add aan newexisting administatoragent 


Agent definition

Allows you to connectbrowse to the machinesagent ofdefinition.


Allows you to browse to the network. accounts Toquery. addIt awill be shown the accouts that belong to that system.

Add new accountentry ,point


Allows you need to clic the add button (+) close the acconts to probe list. Then you will need to choose if you want to add an existing accountentry or register a new account.point


Entry point definition

Allows you to browse to the entry point definition.

Network discovery detail

Apply changes

Allows you to save the data of a new network or to update the data of a specific network.detaiol. To save the data it will be mandatory to fill in the required fieldsfields.


Allows you to deleteundo oneany orchanges more accounts of the accounts to probe. You need to select one or more records and next clicking the button with the subtraction symbol (-).




Network discovery detail

Accounts to probe

Allows you to add a new administator potential account to connect to the machines of the network.  To add a new account , first of all, you need to clic the add button (+) close the acconts to probe list. Then you will need to choose if you want to add an existing account or register a new account.


save the data of a new network or to update the data of a specific network. To save the data it will be mandatory to fill in the required fields


Allows you to delete one or more accounts of the accounts to probe. You need to select one or more records and next clicking the button with the subtraction symbol (-).









Apply changesnow

Allows you to savelaunch the datatask of a new network or to update the data of a specific network. To save the data it will be mandatory to fill in the required fieldsexecution.

Previous execution

Undo Logs

Allows you to quitdownload withoutthe applyinglog anyfiles changes.of previous executions.