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My tasks


Displays the task list assigned to the user, providing infomation about the process, the task, the start and due date and the asigned user. You can filt

Manual tasks are assigned to named users, groups or roles.  Whatever strategy is followed, each one of the assigned users will see that task at their tasks pagepage. 


You acan newdifferentiate tasktasks pendingby to start,their highlighted in bold.

Sin iniciar, iniciada y fuera de plazo.
Negrita = new
Normal = started
Azul = Due

The user can check and perform actions on these tasks, the user only has to click on one of them and access its content and there the user will be able to perform the allowed operations.


  • ¿QuéNormal: semaforostarted detask
  • colores
  • Highlighted hay?Blue: veodue azul,task
  • y
  • Highlighted negrita,Bold: ¿haynew mas? que es task

Screen overview


Custom attributes

  • Process ID: Unique process identifier in the system.
  • Process Name: Generic process name.
  • Task ID: Unique task identifier in the system. 
  • Task Name: Generic task name.


    Shows the specific fields needed to perform the required operation depend on the task type and task status.

    Users can  add Comments to the task.


    • El cotenidopendiente de completar con los atributos específicos. En la tarea varia segun se seleccione una u otra, segúversión que parámetroestoy variautilizando estosale ¿queun característicaerror determinay esto?los atributos salen mezclados  en español e ingles

    Action Logs

    Shows a basic data 

    • Start date: Date and time the task starts
    • Last task date: Date of last task modification. &&TODO&& ??update.
    • End date: Date and time the process ends.
    • Status: Shows the specificpoint fields needed to perform the required operation depend onof the task type(pending, andon processgoing status.or completed)Comprobar si es completed, no he visto ningun caso
    • DiagramashowsShows a flow chart with the actions performed.
    • Actions log: Summary of all the successive phases through which the task has passed, providing information on the start date and time of the phase, the user assigned and the action that was done.


      Displays the documents attached to the task, inin some cases files are attached to the tasks.

       Allows to download those document and to verify any digital signature attached to it. Some tasks even allow the user to upload documents.


      Displays the comments list added during the business process execution. Displays the comments list added during the task execution providing information about the user who wrote the comment, the date and time of that writing, and the comment that was writed.



      • Las acciones varian segun la tarea, dependen del workfolow ¿queThe actions hayto enbe total? performed depend on the task and its workflow.

      Download CSV File

      From the task table, you can download a csv file with the list of all tasks. You can open the hamburger icon and Download CSV File.


      Closes the task window and saves any data changed.


      Closes the form and resturns to the task list.





      Take ownership

      Enables the user to self-assign the task to authorize or deny it.


      Alows to launch the task execution.


      Allows to to reassign the task to another user, who will must approve or deny it.