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My tasks


Manual tasks are the jobs to be performed in the system. Tasks could be assigned to named users, groups or roles. Whatever strategy is followed, each one of the assigned users will see that task at their tasks page as a new task pending to start, highlighted in bold.bold.

The user can check and perform actions on these tasks, the user only has to click on one of them and access its content and there the user will be able to perform the allowed operations.


  • ¿Qué semaforo de colores hay? veo azul, y negrita, ¿hay mas? que es 
  • Segun la documentación de confluence diferencia las tareas manuales, las automáticas y otras, ¿como se diferencia esto en la versión 3?
  • ¿Qué indica el proceso de una tarea?


Screen overview


Relates objects


  • ¿Process?

Custom objects

Custom attributes



Task detail

Job to be done


  • ElProcess cotenidoID: deUnique laprocess tareaidentifier variain segunthe sesystem.
  • seleccione
  • Process unaName: uGeneric otra,process segúnname.
  • que
  • Task parámetroID: variaUnique estotask ¿queidentifier característicain determinathe esto?system. 
  • Task Name: Generic task name.


     Shows the specific fields needed to perform the required operation depend on the task type and task status.

    StartUsers Date


    Dueadd date


    Asignedto the task.


    • El cotenido de la tarea varia segun se seleccione una u otra, según que parámetro varia esto ¿que característica determina esto?

    Action Logs

    DisplaysShows a basic data 

    • Start date: Date and time the actionstask liststarts
    • performed
    • Last actiontask aboutdate: &&TODO&&
    • End date: Date and time the task.process Itends.
    • contains
    • Status: anyShows performedthe transition,specific timefields needed to perform the required operation depend on the task type and dateprocess andstatus.
    • author .

    • Diagrama:  shows a flow chart with the actions performed

    • &&TODO&& 

    • Actions log: Summary of all the successive phases through which the task has passed, providing information on the start date and time of the phase, the user assigned and the action that was done.
    • ¿Cómo funcionan los diagramas? ¿Hay que explicar los en este punto?


    Displays the documents attached to the task.task, in some cases files are attached to the taks. Allows to download those document and to verify any digital signature attached to it. Some tasks even allow the user to upload documents.


    • ¿Desde donde se pueden adjuntar los documentos?


    Displays the comments added by any user during the business process execution.



    • Las acciones varian segun la tarea, dependen del workfolow ¿que actions hay en total? 

    Download CSV File

    From the task table, you can download a csv file with the list of all tasks. You can open the hamburger icon and Download CSV File.


    Closes the task window and saves any data changed.


    Closes the form and resturns to the task list.





    Take ownership

    Allows the user take the task ownership.


    Alows to launch the task execution.


    Allows to to reassign the task to another user, who will must approve or deny it.