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Issue policies


Soffid has defined automatic events by default. For each of these events, it is possible to define the tasks to be performed and configure them.

You can find this functionality in the following path: Main Menu > Administration > Configuration > Security settings > Issue policies

The default events are the following;

Issue Type Description Available
disconnected-system The Sync Server detects that some target system is offline. Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
duplicated-user The system detects that there are duplicate users, or when the task is generated from the user management. Soffid 3.5.0 - beta
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
locked-account An account has been blocked for exceeding the maximum number of login attempts. Soffid 3.5.0 - beta
login-different-country Soffid detects a new login from a different country. Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
login-from-new-device Soffid detects a new login from a new device. Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
login-not-recognized Soffid detects a login not recognized Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0
Coming soon Soffid 3.5.0

Screen Overview



  1. Roles

Standard attributes

  • Issue type: by default, some issues type are defined in Soffid Console. 
  • Description: a brief description of the issue.
  • Response:
    • Ignore
    • Record
    • Manage
  • Assigned role
  • Actions list: list of actions to be taken when this issue occurs. You can choose one or more action from the list and configure them:
    • Notify affected user: allows you to configure an email that will be sent to the affected users.
    • Send custom email: allows you to configure a custom email that will be sent to specific users.
    • Run script: allows you to type a script that will be performed
    • Look affected accounts: allows you to configure an email that will be sent to the owner user.
    • Look affected host.
    • Notify issue owner by email.
    • Acknowledge.
    • Start new process.: allows you to configure the workflow that will be run.


Issue policies query action

Download CSV file Allows you to download a CSV file with the issue policies data.

Issue policy detail

Add new

Allows you to add a new action to the issue policy. You can choose the action from the action list. Depending on the selected action, you must fill in different information.

Once the information will be filled in, you need to close the window and Apply the changes.


Allows you to delete one or more actions from the actions list.


Apply changes Allows you to update the changes made to the issue policy.
Undo Allows you to quit without applying any changes.