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Introduction to Self Service Portal

DescriptionWhat is Self Service Portal?

DisplaysSoffid Console provides the taskSelf inService whichPortal, that portal is designed to help the connected user is involved like a supervisor, manager, o person how hasend-users to approverequest ortheir denyneeds, thatand tasks. My task provides information abouton the process,other hand to relieve the task,service desk and admintrators users of one part of their work. So, automatizing business processes those goalS could be reached.

Soffid allows you to configure the startaccess and due date andto the asigneddifferent user.options Bydepending clickingon athe record,end-users itroles defined to use Soffid. In this way, end-users will be shown de task details andable to perform actions will be allowed.

Manual tasks are assignedaccess to named users, groups or roles.  Whatever strategy is followed, each one of the assigned users will see that task at their tasks page. 

You can differentiate tasks by their highlighted style:

  • Normal: started task
  • Highlighted Blue: due task
  • Highlighted Bold: new task

The purpose of My tasks as a part of Self Service Portal is to reducemanage their own requirements always depending on the workloaddefined business processes.

Brief description of ITeach department,option


My wellrequest



improve security



My ITApplications




My consoleAccounts




My aboutOTP taskdevices

delegation and workflow management.


Screen overview


Custom attributes

My Task List

  • Process ID: unique process identifier in the system.
  • Process: generic process name.
  • Task: generic task name.
  • Start Date: date and time when the process was started.
  • Due Date: date and time when the process will finish.
  • Assigned: user to whom the task is assigned


    Shows information about the job done in this task. This information depends on the process launched.

    Action Logs

    The action logs tab shows basic information about the process and a list with the summary of all the successive phases through which the task has passed.

    • Start date: date and time the task starts
    • Last task date: date of last task update.
    • End date: date and time the process ends.
    • Status: shows the point of the task (pending, on going or End/Completed)
    • Approve pending permissions: Summary of all the successive phases through which the task has passed, providing information on the start date and time of the phase, the user assigned, and the action that was done.


    Displays the documents attached to the task, in some cases, files are attached to the tasks.

    Allows you to download those documents and to verify any digital signature attached to them. Some tasks even allow the user to upload documents.


    Displays the comments list added during the business process execution. Displays the comments list added during the task execution providing information about the user who wrote the comment, the date and time of that writing, and the comment that was writed.


    My task query actions


    This action reload the task list with the current data.

    Download CSV File

    This action allows you to  download a csv file with the list of all tasks. You can open the hamburger icon and Download CSV File.

    Open task

    By clicking on a record, the task detail will be shown.

    My task detail actions


    Allows you to closes the task window,  you can add new comments and those will be saved.

    Take ownership

    Enables the user to self-assign the task to authorize or deny it.


    Allows you to launch the task execution.


    Allows you to to reassign the task to another user, who will must approve or deny it.


    Allows you to authorize the task. When you authorize a task all defined operations for this task will be performed.


    Allows you to deny the task. When you deny a task none defined operations for this task will be performed.