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Information systems


An information system is each asset or application, on which the permissions are granted or revoked. The information system can be created hierarchically. These information systems are managed in a tree structure.

Soffid allows you to categorize the information systems to facilitate the management, the available categories are Application, Container and Business. That categories are for information purposes only.

The permission can be granted by using workflows.  

You can access to[Workflows page] for more information &&TODO&& Poner el link cuando se cree la página

Screen overview


  1. Users
  2. Role
  3. Domain

Custom attributes


  • Type: information system category.
  • Parent: parent within the hierarchy.
  • Name: short name to identify the information system.
  • Description: detailed description information system.
  • Source: documentation.
  • Owner: is the information owner, and has the capability to appoint security manager.
  • Executable: documentation.
  • Database: documentation.
  • Owner name: documentation.
  • BPM enable: if enabled, permissions can be granted by using workflows.
  • Notification emails: this list will be notified on a daily about grants and revokes performed.
  • Approval process: approval process defined
  • Role definition process: role definition process. Advanced function for workflow.
  • Single role: if checked, the roles of this application are mutually exclusive: if a user has the role X and want to assign him the role Y, X will be removed to give him Y.

Role Scopes

Role scope or domains are properties that can be assigned to some entitlements, limiting the scope of that entitlement. This can be used to limit, for instance, the maximum amount allowed for a money transfer, or the commercial zones to manage.

On this tab, you can add new domains, you must click the button with the add symbol and fill the information about the new domain. You can also delete a domain or update the domain information.

Another operation allowed are to download a CSV file with the domain data and to upload a CSV file to add new domains, update or delete existed domains


A role is a collection of permissions that determine what operations a user or a group of users can perform on that information system.

On the roles tab is allowed to create, update and delete roles. The effective privileges bound to each role are managed from each application.

To add a new role you must click the button with the add symbol (+) and fill all the role data.

You can update a specific role by clicking on the right record, making and applying changes.

It is also possible to delete roles from the role details or by selecting one or more records from the list and clicking the button with the subtraction symbol (-). 

Additionally you can download a CSV file with the roles information and you can also upload a CSV file to add new roles, modify or delete existing roles.


On the user's tab, Soffid displays all the user with granted roles for this information system.

It is allowed to download a CSV file with all the user data.


Information system query


Allows to query groups through different search systems, Quick, Basic and Advanced.Advanced.

Add or remove columns

Allows to show and hide columns in the table.

Add new

Allows to create a new information system.

Add child information system

Allows to add a child to a specific information system.


Allows to upload a csv file to add, update or delete information systems.

Download CSV file

Allows to download a csv file with the basic information of all information systems. 

Information system detail actions

Apply changes

Allow to create an information system or to update an exist information system.


Allow to delete an information system.


Allows to quit without applying any changes.

Role scopes actions

Add domain

Allows to add a new domain.


Allows to upload a CSV file with the información about domains to add update or remove domains.

Download CSV file

Allows to download a CSV file with all the information about domains. 

Roles actions

Add or remove columns

Allows to show and hide columns in the table.

Add new

Allows to create a new role.


Allows to delete roles.


Allows to upload a csv file to add, update or delete roles.

Download CSV file

Allows to download a csv file with the basic role data

In addition for each role you can perform the specific operations defined on the Role page

Users actions

Download CSV file

Allows to download a CSV file with all the information about users.