Default questions
&&TODO&& Soffid provides you the functionality that allows to the users recover their passwords. To do that, the adminadministrator user, o athe user with the proper roles, mustto configconfigure the default questions that will be requiered to the passwordend-users recoveryto parameters.recover theirs passwords.
Those questions will be displayed when the parameter "Enable question&answer recovery" is selected
Screen Overview
Custom attributes
Enable email recovery: if Yes is selected, it will allow password recovery through an e-mail sent to an authorized mailbox.Enable question&answer recovery: if Yes is selected, a question and control response will be requested.Enable OTP: if Yes is selected, an OTP will be required to recover the password. That OTP depends on the OTP settings configured into the Soffid Console and the OTP devices configured for the end-user.Enable SMS: if Yes is selected, an SMS will be send to recover the password.Preferred method: in case you select two or more previous options, this drop-drown will allow you to priorize one option over the others.Minimum number of filled-in questions: indicates the minimum number of user questions that must be have an answer in the user profile.Questions to answer to unlock: indicates the number of questions that must be formulated to the user to reset his password.Numer to answer to unlock: indicates the number of answers that must be answered by the user to reset his password.Allow to unlock account and keep the same password:Enforce fill-in questions:URL for SMS service:HTTP method for SMS:HTTP body for SMS:HTTP headers for SMS:Response must contain:User attribute to store phone number:
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