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Step 7. Just in time privileges


Once the discovery process has been run, the critical accounts have been detected and saved on the password vault, and the password rotation process has been defined, the next step would be to define the necessary approval process to manage the use of the critical accounts.

Using the approval process, Soffid allows you to define, step by step on the BPM Editor, the workflow for critical accounts use, and define who has to be the manager or authorized user will approve or deny to use those critical accounts.

Then, Soffid can be able to add more complex and restricted rules to the authorizations using XACML. With the XACML tool you will be able to define policy set and policies to describe general access control requirements. Also, you will be able to define some obligations as actions that have to be returned with response XACML. 


Define an approval workflow

1. To define and configure an approval workflow, you can use the Soffid BPM editor. You must access the BPM editor page in he following path:

Main Menu > Administration > Configure Soffid > Workflow settings > BPM editor

2. To add a new workflow you must click the add button (+) and Soffil will display a new window.

3. Then,  you must write a process name and select the process type "Account reservation" and Soffil will display the process editor to configure the new workflow.

4. At the "Process editor" form you could config the workflow steps. 

You can visit the BPM Editor book to find more information and examples about the workflows.

5. Once you finish to configure the workflow, you must click the option "Save and Publish" to be able to use the workflow.

Define XACML policy set to use a workflow



Configure XACML PEP

1. To configure the XACML PEP  You must access the "XACML PEP configuration" page in he following path:

Main Menu > Administration > Configure Soffid > Security settings > XACML PEP configuration

2. At the "XACML PEP configuration page you must fill in the Password vault Policy Enforcement Point  section.

2.1. The policy must be enabled, you must select Yes on the "Enable XACML Policy Enforcement Point".

2.2. Then you must fill in the Policy set ID and the Policy set version to use.

2.3. The trace request is an optional field use to debug.

3. Once you fill in the mandatory information, you must click the "Apply" button to save the updates.

3.1. If there are any error on the data, Soffid will display a message with the error data.


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