Connecting a SAML service
To connect a SAML service provider, the service provider must offer you its SAML metadata. The SAML metadata contains information about its public id, the services that implements and the service endpoints.
Register a SAML service provider
1. Open the Identity & Service provider page.
2. To add a new service provider you need to ccick on the "Add Service Provider" button in the proper branch.
Be in mind that you can configure more than one Entity Group and you could add new service providers in each one.
3. Then you must fill in the required fields. Also, you need to provide the identity provider metadata. You can either copy it from Soffid federation page, or instruct the service provider to download the federation metadata by itself.
4. To publish the federation members metadata, the main sync server exports the members metadata at the path /SAML/metadata.xml. Thus, if your sync server is listening at soffid1.your.domain, you can get the whole federation metadata document from https://soffid1.your.domain:760/SAML/metadata.xml.
5. After some seconds, up to five minutes, every federation member will notice any change.