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Schedule weekly risk report


The wizard allows you to schedule a new Weekly risk report

Screen overview



Standard attributes

  • Report: name of the report.
  • Schedule name: identified name.
  • Month: number of the month (1-12) when the task will be performed. 
  • Day:  number of the day (1-31) when the task will be performed.
  • Hour: hour (0-23) when the task will be performed. 
  • Minute: minute (0-59) when the task will be performed.
  • Day of week: number of the day (0-7 where 0 means Sunday) of the week when the task will be performed. 
  • Access Control List: to prevent unauthorized usage. Will be granted to users, groups or roles.

For each value of month, day, hour, minute, or day of the week:

  • * means any month, day, hour, minute, or day of the week. e.g. */5 to schedule every five minutes.
  • A single number specifies that unit value: 3
  • Some comma separated numbers: 1,3,5,7
  • A range of values: 1-5


Report actions


Allows you to save the new report.


Allows you to quit without applying any changes made.

Access control list


By clicking the add button (+) you can add new identities to the Access control list. Once you click the button, Soffidl will display a modal window to select the proper identities (users, roles, or groups).


Allows you to save the new report with the previous configuration.


Allows you to quit without applying any changes made.