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CAS (Central Authentication Service)
Introduction The CAS protocol is a simple and powerful ticket-based protocol. It involves one or many clients and one server. Clients are embedded in CASified applications (called “CAS services”) whereas the CAS server is a standalone component. The Cas ...
CAS architecture
Introduction The CAS is a Single Sign On protocol for the web. This protocol allows users to access multiple applications by providing their credentials. The response will be a JSON or XML Single Log-in The single log-in is usually initiated by the appl...
CAS Example
Service Provider
Definition Cas protocol is rarely used. Screen overview Standard attributes Class: class name (readOnly field). Enabled: if it is checked (the selected option is Yes) that protocol will be enabled.
Connecting CAS client
Introduction The CAS protocol is a simple and powerful ticket-based protocol. It involves one or many clients and one server. Clients are embedded in CASified applications (called “CAS services”) whereas the CAS server is a standalone component. Register CAS...
Description A profile is a protocol or subset of protocols implemented by the Identity Provider. There are some accepted protocols, those allows a custom config dependent on the selected profile. The accepted protocols are the following: 1. OpenIDProfile 2...