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Introduction to XACML

What is XACML?

XACML "eXtensible Access Control Markup Language" is an open standard XML based languagelanguage. The thatstandard defines a declarative declarative fine-grained, attribute-based access control policy language, an architecture, and a processing model describing how to evaluate access requests according to the rules defined in policies. (*)

 XACML policy language: is used to describe general access control requirements

UsingXACML request/response protocol: used to query a decisioning engine that evaluates real-world access requests against existing XACML policies.

XACML reference architecture: provides a standard for the XACMLdeployment addonof itnecessary issoftware possiblemodules to addachieve anefficient accessenforcement controls usingof XACML standard to Soffid console.policies.

 To know more about XACML, read XACML 2.0 Standard Specification
