How to debug Soffid LDAP
To install Soffid LDAP, you must installĀ Docker. Despite Docker desktop can be used for testing purposes, Docker container runtime usage is recommended.
To start Soffid LDAP, execute:
docker volume create ldapconf
docker volume creade ldapdata
docker run --name soffidldap -p 1389:389 -v ldapconf:/etc/ldap/slapd.d -v ldapdata:/var/lib/ldap -d -e SOFFID_SERVER=https://<SYNCSERVERNAME>:760 -e SOFFID_AGENT=<SOFFID_AGENT> -e USER=<ADMIN_USERNAME> -e PASSWORD=<ADMIN_PASSWORD> -e DN=<YOUR_BASE_DN> soffidldap
Now, you can connect to the LDAP Server using the user name and password used to create the docker instance.
Docker commands
Stop the service
docker stop soffidldap
Start the service
docker start soffidldap
Remove the service
docker rm soffidldap
Docker Volumes
- The initial configuration files are located in the ldapconf volume, usually inĀ /var/lib/docker/volumes/ldapconf/_data
- The initial data files are located in the ldapdata volume, usually in /var/lib/docker/volumes/ldapdata/_data