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Sync server monitoring


Soffid provides a monitoring functionality to consult all the information of the different agents and the status of each one of them and the amount of tasks assigned. Consequently, it allows diagnosing possible incidents in a quick and easy way.

This option allows you to manage all the options related to the tasks created according to the configuration of each of the agents.

Sync server

Shows a list with the URL of all the syncserverssync servers that you have configured and the options to perform for every sync server.

Agent Status

The graph of agent status shows the number of agents connected (green light) and the number of agents disconnected (red light). By clicking on the captions you couldcan select if you want to show only the connected agents, only the disconnected agents or both agents.

View Agents

Allows you to access a new window with the information of every single agent. That page showshows a list with the information about Agent, Number of the pending tasks, the Status, and the URL of the agent.

If you click one of the agents, Soffid will display all the pending tasks for that agent. If you click inon one pending task, you couldcan view the details of that task and you could perform the actions available for that depending on your permissions.

View Tasks

Displays a matrix with all the agents configured, all the taskstasks, and the status of the task for each agent. You can reload the matrix with the updated tasks.

The available status for a task are: 

  • Done (green light): finished tasks.
  • Pending (yellow light).
  • Error (red light).

If you click inon one error task, Soffid will display the detaildetails of that task, the basic datadata, and the speficisspecific data about Execution time, Error message, Scheduled and Log  detail, and Soffid will allow you to perform the available actions. If you click inon one pending task, you couldcan perform the available actions.

Get log

Allows you to download the log file.


Displays the performance (tasks per minute) graph of the synchronization servers.

Restart server

Allows you to restartsrestart the synchronization server that hosts any agent. Soffis will ask for your confirmation before performperforming that action. If you confirm, the server will be restarted.

Additional information

Display the additional information of Soffid

Additional information.png


Active tasks

Displays a graph with the information about the tasks pending to performbe performed on the different systems.

View Agents

Displays a view with a list of agent tasks, regardless of which synchronization server they are running on.

Tasks by server

Displays a graph with the information about the tasks for each server.

Not scheduled tasks

Displays a view with a list  not scheduled task.tasks. At that view, you can cancel and release the held tasks

Screen overview


Syncserver monitoring.pngimage-1698999287005.png

Related objects

  1. Agents
  2. Synchronization Servers
  3. Tasks

Agent actions

Get log

Soffid displays the log trace.

Reset Allows you to restart the synchronization server that hosts any agent. Soffis will ask for your confirmation before performperforming that action.

Tasks actions

Cancel task

Allows you to cancel a specific task. Soffid will ask for your confirmation, if you confirm, that task will be canceled.

Prioritize Allows you to release a specific task. Soffid will ask for your confirmation, if you confirm, that task will be executed.