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Search Types


Throughout the Soffid you will be able to perform searches on the different objects that make up the application.

You you will be able to search in the system by applying different ways of searching. 


This option allows quick search by fields that have been defined in the application metadata. You can find metadata configuration on Global Settings > Metadata

You only have to type in the field provided for this purpose and press enter or click on the magnifying glass.


This is the default option. It provides some default search criteria and other criteria can be added from the add criteria option. These criteria will depend on the entity or object on which the search is being performed.

Each search criterion will have different search forms depending on the type of data in the particular field. For example, a text field provide four different options to search, "Contains", "Start with", "End with" and "Equals", a date field provide the date "Since" and date "Until".

Each criterioncriteria will be added to the previous ones.


This option allows an advanced search system using the SCIM standard

You can access to SCIM Book for more information