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Process Search


This page allows to search process. Here users can search for processes by different criteria

In order to view a task, a security constraint must be accomplished. The user must have granted the observer or administrator role on the specific project version or has been assigned as a potential actor of it at some time.

A process is the composition of one or more actions, connected by transitions. An action is either an automatic action or a manual task.

Soffid console is concerned about task delegation and workflow management. Any user is capable of creating new processes or can be assigned as actor for a task belonging to a process.

Screen overview


Custom attributes

Search attributes

The search can be performed by setting certain parameters, which are as follows:

  • Search text: search by a certain text, as user name or application, etc.
  • Process ID: all the processes have an assigned ID. Knowing that, you can search for that information.
  • Start date: establish the date the process was started.
  • End date: establish the date the process was finished.
  • Include completed: by default, tasks that have not yet been completed are displayed. By marking this flag, those who have concluded will also be shown.

Process attributes

  • Process detail: Information about the process.
  • Work in progress: Details the specific point in which the process is. You can find information about the process ID and the task ID, the job description for each one of them, the start date and time, the current status and which user is assigned to the task. You can also browse to the task.
  • Actions log: Summary of all the successive phases through which the process has passed, providing information on the start date and time of the phase, the user (task manager) assigned and the action that was done.
  • View Diagram:  Shows a flow chart with the tasks performed.
  • Attachments:  In some cases, for example in massive user upload processes using a CSV file, files are attached to the process so that it can be executed. These files can be consulted, by downloading or opening them directly, from this page. Additionally, if needed, it is possible to see the certificates used by the process owner.
  • Comments:  Displays the comments added by the user who initialize the process.


Process List

Actions to be performed on the process list:

Search Performs process search with the indicated parameters
Download CSV file Allows download a csv file with the list of all tasks. You can open the hamburger icon and Download CSV File.
Table Filters
It is allowed to filter data in each column of the tabla.

Process detail

Actions to be performed on a specific process:

Search Performs process search with the indicated parameters
Cancel process Stop and erase the process.
Update process definition When a process had been started and the process definition (workflow) had been changed, with this option you can upgrade the process with the new changes.
Close Close process detail page and return to previous page