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Soffid lets administrator users manage system printers. A printer must always be attached to a host. A network attached printer is composed of a host (network print server) and a printer (printer queue).

Printers can be assigned to specific users or to user groups. The effective assignment can be done on session startup by using a Single Sign On client script. To do that, it is necessary to add a script on a Login entry point with type x-mazinger-script.

Screen overview


  1. Hosts
  2. Users
  3. Groups
Standard attributes 
  • Name: identifier name of the printer.
  • Description: additional printer information.
  • Model: printer model.
  • Server: where the printer is hosted.
  • Restricted: if checked, only users and groups of users assigned can be access to that, in another case any user could access to that printer.
  • Users: assignment of printer queues to users.
  • Groups: assignment of printer queues to groups


Printer query


Allows you to query printers through different search systems,  Quick, Basic and Advanced.Advanced.

Add or remove columns

Allows you to show and hide columns in the table.

Add new

Allows you to add a new printer in the system.


Allows you to remove one or more printers.


Allows you to upload a csv file with the printer list to add, update or delete printers

Download CSV file

Allows you to download a csv file with the basic information of all printers. 

Printer detail

Apply changes

Allows you to create a new printer or to update an exist printer.


Allows you to remove one printer.


Allows you to quit without applying any changes.