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Allows to grant roles to groups of users. User's groups are managed in a hierarchical way.

Mind that business units are sometimes refereed to as groups. Some groups will be, of course, business units, but some groups will be providers groups, customers and other external organizational units.

Search Types

You can search for groups created in the system by applying different ways of searching: 


This option allows quick search by fields that have been defined in the application metadata.


This is the default option. It provides some default search criteria, but other criteria can be added from the add criteria option. 

Each search criterion will have different search forms depending on the type of data in the particular field. For example, a text field provide four different options to search, "Contains", "Start with", "End with" and "Equals", a date field provide the date "Since" and date "Until".

Each criterion will be added to the previous ones.


This option allows an advanced search system using the SCIM standard.

You can access to SCIM Chapter for more information

Screen overview


Related objects

  1. User
  2. Roles

Custom attributes


  • Name: short name to identify the group.
  • Description: group description.
  • Drive letter: If specified, a shared folder for this user will be created. This shared folder can be mounted on ESSO hosts by using startup script.
  • Parent group: parent within the hierarchy.
  • Type: &&TOOD&& Me sale un error
  • Drive server name: &&TOOD&& ??
  • Disabled: allows to enable and to disable the group. When a group is disabled, the group's role hierarchy is no longer available to the group's users.


Set of users belonging to the group. It is shown the user, full name and group type &&TOOD&& ¿¿que es group type, de donde viene??

Allows to add new users to the group clicking the button with the add symbol (+), you must select the user to add and select the membership properties.

It is also allowed to delete one or more users from an specific group, you can do it from the group membership details or by selecting one or more records from the list and clicking the button with the subtraction symbol (-).

Additionally you can download a CSV file with the users information and you can also upload a CSV file to add new users, modify or delete existing users.

Granted roles

Set of granted roles to the group. It is shown the role, domain, System and information system.

Allows to assign or revoke roles to the group. To assign a new role, you must click the button with the add symbol (+), then select the roll,  in some cases specify the scope, and finally set membership properties. To revoke role, you can do it from the group membership detail or by selecting one or more records from the list and clicking the button with the subtraction symbol (-).

Additionally you can download a CSV file with the granted roles information and you can also upload a CSV file to assign roles, modify or delete assigning roles.

Group query actions
&&TODO&& ¿Como se borra un grupo?
Query Allows to query groups through different search systems, Quick, Basic and Advanced.
Add or remove columns Allows to show and hide columns in the table.
Add new Allows to create a new group in the system.
Add child group Allows to add a child to a specific group.
Import Allows to upload a csv file to add, update or delete groups.
Download CSV file Allows to download a csv file with the basic information of all groups. 

Group detail actions

Apply changes AllowAllows to update the data group.
DeleteAllows to delete a group.
Add or remove columns
Allows to show and hide columns in the table.
Add new Allows to add a new user to the group. 
Remove Allows to remove one or more users from the group. 
Import Allows to upload a CSV file with the información about users to add update or remove that users.
Download CSV file Allows to download a CSV file with all the information about users. 
Granted roles
Add or remove columns
Allows to show and hide columns in the table.
Assign role Allows to assign a role to the group. 
Revoke role Allows to revoke one or more roles from the group. 
Import Allows to upload a CSV file with the información about roles to assign or revoke that roles.
Download CSV file Allows to download a CSV file with all the information about roles assigned to the group.