Bulk actions
Allows massive operations to be performed on the selected records. With that operation, updates can be made to any of the object parameters.
You can access this optionsoption through the hamburger icon from a few of the components of the table type, like users list or accounts.accounts list.
1. First of all, you mustneed to select the records that you want to update,update from the list, once you have selected them, you must choose the bulk action on the hamburguer icon.
2. Then Soffid showsdisplay a modal where you mustcan select one by one the attributes that will be updated,updated.
The fist dropdown list displays the firstattributes of the object, for instance, the user attributes.
The second dropdown list,list displays the operation to be performperformed on thisthe attributeselected (itattribute. The operation can be change the value or clear value)the value, and if it is neccesary the new value.
The type of the third field will depend on the attribute type selected previously.
3. Soffid shows a confirmation message with the number of records that will be updated. FinallyFinally, you can choose apply or come back.
If you apply the changes, the attributes of the seleccted records will be updated