Attribute translation tables
AccountSoffid namingprovides rulesan define howeasy to generateuse account namesmechanism to connecttranslate references or external codes into internal codes. For example, the HHRR application could be using a diferent coding scheme for business units.
To deal with finalthis Themismatch, normalusers casecan isextend the accountdata namemodel, willor becan theeither sameuse astranslation tables. This screen allows the user name, in other cases, here you could define the customize account name rules.
When you are configuring an agent, you have to indicate the user domain which will be used to create newand accounts,maintain thatsuch usertables. domainThis referstables tocan also be downloaded or uploaded as CSV files, enable the Accountimport namingof rulesdata definedcontained oninto Soffid console. You can visit the Account naming rules page for more information.spreadsheets.
Screen overview
Standard attributes
CodeDomain:codetheusedomaintocolumnidentifyrepresents theaccounttranslationnaming rule.Description: brief description of the rule. That value will be displayed to select the user domain on the agent's setup.User domain type: use to define the kind ofMain user name: use the main usertable name.AssignedColumnby the operator: the operator will assign the account name.1Script:Columnallows you to configure the script condition and script creation of account naming.2ServerColumnAddon:3- Column
to4 - Column
an addon to generate the account naming rules.5
allowsselectGenerator: allows you1 toselect5anmeaningaddoniswhenuser defined. Usage of translation table is bound, but not restricted to, attribute translation expressions, through theuser domain type selected is "Server addon".Create account condition: defines the conditions to enable or prevent the creationuse oftheserverServiceaccount. It is only available when the Script option is selected in the User domain type.Script: computes the name to assign to the user account. If the script returns null, the account is not going to be created. It is only available when the Script option is selected in the User domain type.
Create account condition
The create account condition enables or prevents the creation of the account.interface.
Available objects
Query | |
| |
// Only users with mail address in can have an account
Expected result
Account name Script
The create account script computes the name to assign to the user account. If the script returns null, the account is not going to be created.
Available objects
| |
| |
Expected result
// Uses the email address as the account name
Account naming rules query
Add new |
Allows you to add a new |
Delete |
Allows you to remove one or more agents by selecting one or more records on the list. | Or
Import |
Allows you to upload a CSV file with the First, you need to pick up a CSV file, that CSV has to |
Download namingCSV rulesfile
Apply changes |
Allows you to save |
Undo |
Allows you to undo any changes made. |