SCIM VaultFolder examples
This page shows the operations that can be performed for the VaultFolder object
List all
GET http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/
Response 200 OK
"schemas": [
"totalResults": 4,
"startIndex": 1,
"Resources": [
"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "O",
"managerRoles": [],
"navigateUsers": [],
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Accounts that won't be shared",
"personal": true,
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/368461",
"resourceType": "VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"name": "Personal accounts",
"managerUsers": [],
"navigateGroups": [],
"id": 368461,
"grantedGroups": [],
"managerGroups": [],
"grantedUsers": [],
"ownerUsers": [
"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "O",
"managerRoles": [],
"navigateUsers": [
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Password vault",
"personal": false,
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/515461",
"resourceType": "VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"name": "vault",
"managerUsers": [],
"navigateGroups": [],
"id": 515461,
"grantedGroups": [],
"managerGroups": [],
"grantedUsers": [],
"ownerUsers": [
List by filter
List all VaultFolders with a filter expression.
It is allowed to use pagination and sort the information, for more information visit the Sorting and Pagination information.
GET http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/?filter=personal eq true
Response 200 OK
"schemas": [
"totalResults": 1,
"startIndex": 1,
"Resources": [
"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "O",
"managerRoles": [],
"navigateUsers": [],
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Accounts that won't be shared",
"personal": true,
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/368461",
"resourceType": "VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"name": "Personal accounts",
"managerUsers": [],
"navigateGroups": [],
"id": 368461,
"grantedGroups": [],
"managerGroups": [],
"grantedUsers": [],
"ownerUsers": [
Query by id
Query a VaultFolder by its id (primary key).
GET http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/515461
Response 200 OK
"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "O",
"managerRoles": [],
"navigateUsers": [
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Password vault",
"personal": false,
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/VaultFolder/515461",
"resourceType": "VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"name": "vault",
"managerUsers": [],
"navigateGroups": [],
"id": 515461,
"grantedGroups": [],
"managerGroups": [],
"grantedUsers": [],
"ownerUsers": [
POST http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUserVaultFolder
"schemas": [
"group"name": "it"Folder Billing",
"groupDescription"description": "HelpFolder desk support team"Billing",
"user"parentFolder": "ckelp"vault",
"fullName"parentId": 515461,
"personal": false,
"accessLevel": "Casey Kelp"M",
"primaryGroup"ownerUsers": true,[
"navigateUsers": {}[
Response 201 Created
"groupDescription"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "HelpO",
desk"managerRoles": support[],
team""navigateUsers": [
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Folder Billing",
"personal": false,
"parentId": 515461,
"parentFolder": "vault",
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUser/1976741"VaultFolder/1977703",
"resourceType": "GroupUser"VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"start"name": "2021-05-11Folder 10:39:23"Billing",
"fullName"managerUsers": "Casey Kelp"[],
"disabled"navigateGroups": false,
"attributes": {}[],
"id": 1976741,1977703,
"user"grantedGroups": "ckelp"[],
"primaryGroup"managerGroups": true,[],
"group"grantedUsers": [],
"it"ownerUsers": [
Update partial
Only attributes with changes will be updated, the other will maintain the same value.
PATCH http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUser/1976741VaultFolder/1977703
"Operations": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "groupDescription"description",
"value": "EnterpriseVault engineeringfolder team"billing"
"op": "replace"add",
"path": "group"navigateUsers",
"value": [
Response 200 OK
"groupDescription"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "EnterpriseO",
engineering"managerRoles": team"[],
"navigateUsers": [
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Vault folder billing",
"personal": false,
"parentId": 515461,
"parentFolder": "vault",
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUser/1976741"VaultFolder/1977703",
"resourceType": "GroupUser"VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"start"name": "2021-05-11Folder 10:39:23"Billing",
"fullName"managerUsers": "Casey Kelp"[],
"disabled"navigateGroups": false,
"attributes": {}[],
"id": 1976741,1977703,
"user"grantedGroups": "ckelp"[],
"primaryGroup"managerGroups": true,[],
"group"grantedUsers": [],
"EngineeringTeam"ownerUsers": [
Update all
This operation replaces all values in the VaultFolder.
- Note that the attribute id is required to confirm that the resource "...VaultFolder/<id>" is the same that the JSON VaultFolder.
- Note that all the attributes not included in the request will be cleared in the GroupUser type and their data will be lost.
- Note that not all the attributes are updatable, for example, tag meta, avoid these tags. For more information visit Resource data model page
PUT http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUser/1976741VaultFolder/1977703
"schemas": [
"id": 1976741,1977703,
"group"name": "it"Folder Billing",
"groupDescription"description": "HelpFolder desk support team"Billing",
"user"parentFolder": "ckelp"vault",
"fullName"parentId": 515461,
"personal": false,
"accessLevel": "Casey Kelp"M",
"primaryGroup"ownerUsers": true,[
Response 200 OK
"groupDescription"grantedRoles": [],
"accessLevel": "HelpO",
desk"managerRoles": support[],
team""navigateUsers": [],
"navigateRoles": [],
"description": "Folder Billing",
"personal": false,
"parentId": 515461,
"parentFolder": "vault",
"ownerGroups": [],
"ownerRoles": [],
"meta": {
"location": "http://soffid.pat.lab:8080/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUser/1976741"VaultFolder/1977703",
"resourceType": "GroupUser"VaultFolder"
"schemas": [
"fullName"name": "CaseyFolder Kelp"Billing",
"disabled"managerUsers": false,[],
"attributes"navigateGroups": {}[],
"id": 1976741,1977703,
"user"grantedGroups": "ckelp"[],
"primaryGroup"managerGroups": true,[],
"group"grantedUsers": [],
"it"ownerUsers": [
Please note after this delete, the VaultFolder has to be created again to use it in the next examples.
DELETE http://<your-omain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/GroupUser/1976741VaultFolder/1977703
Response 204 No Content
204 No Content
Error response
For more information about error response visit