SCIM Operations
HTTP Method
Retrieves one or more complete or partial resources. |
Depending on the endpoint, creates new resources, creates a search request, or MAY be used to bulk-modify resources. |
Modifies a resource by replacing existing attributes with a specified set of replacement attributes (replace). PUT MUST NOT be used to create new resources. |
Modifies a resource with a set of client-specified changes (partial update). |
Deletes a resource. |
&&TODO&&Detallar Methods
A HTTP Get request is used to fetch resources,a it possible to Readresource or toa Searchset of resources.
- id: is the identifier of a specific resource
- filter: allows you to add filter to query.
- attribute
- op: SCIM has support for the filter operations equals, contains, starts with, and more.
- value
- sortBy: the attribute used to sort the response.
- sortOrder: order to sort, ascending or descending. Ascending is the default order.
Also, you can asl for specific attributes of the resource
- attributes={attributes}
Get Example:
http://<your-domain>/soffid/webservice/scim2/v1/User?filter=lastName co ada and active eq true &sortOrder=descending&sortBy=userName&attributes=userName,lastName&filter=userName co admin
A HTTP Post request is used to create a new resource
Content-Type: application/json
UseYou must send the JSON with the attributes of the resource you want to create create.
- schema: is the schema url of the resource you are creating.
- attributes: name of the resource attributes.
- values: values for each attribute.
A HTTP Put request is used to update update resourcesresources. This operation replace all values of the resource
A HTTP Patch request is used to update partial resources
A HTTP Delete request is used to delete a resource.
In the PUT and PATCH methods, a JSON stream with the data model is required (please see this format in the following link: Resource data model).
The response format will be represented as a SCIM JSON response, but all the keys in the response will depend on the method requested and the result of the operation.
&&TODO&& Meta y Schemas
HTTP Status
The most commons responses
Successful Responses
200 |
OK |
Created |
No Content |
Error Response
400 |
Bad Request |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server Error
For example, when you search by id but no resource is found, only a 404 HTTP code is included in the response (the body is empty, no JSON is provided).
User cases:
- Search by id but no resource is found (404 code).
- Update all, the id is not found (404 code).
- Update partial, the id is not found (404 code).
- Delete, the id is not found (404 code).
- A "/<resource>" (in the URL) not exist (404 code).
- Other errors (404 or 500 code).
More detail about SCIM JSON error
SCIM JSON Response
For example, when a list of resources is requested, this is the JSON output format:
Note, to simplify the JSON output every resource has been replaced by {...}
"totalResults": 3,
"schemas": [
"resources": [
This is the description of this type of response:
totalResults | Number of the resources returned in the response |
schemas | Defined by SCIM protocl. Always: "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse" |
resources | List of resources returned |
User cases:
- A list all operation (200 code).
- A search by filter operation (200 code).
- The delete operation (204 code).
SCIM JSON resource
For example, when a resource by id is requested, this is the JSON format:
Note, to simplify the JSON output every resource has been replaced by {...}
"id": 11345
"organizational": true,
In this case, the JSON stream of the resource is included directly in the response.
User cases:
- Search by id operations (200 code).
- Successful create operations (201 code).
- Successful complete update operations (200 code).
- Successful partial update operations (200 code).
For example, if an attempt to delete a resource is made, but this resource is not found the following JSON response will be obtained:
"schemas": [
"detail": "User 1234 not found",
"status": "404"
This is the description of this type of response:
schemas | Defined by SCIM protocl. Always: "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error" |
detail | Returns the description on the validation, problem, error, etc |
status | Is the HTTP status, that is the same that the HTTP code of the HTTP response |
User cases:
- When you try to delete a resource but it's not found (404 code).
- When you try to delete a group, the solution is to disable it by PATCH (500 code).
- Generic errors (500 code).