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SSH Gateway Connection


We can establish a connection to the target system using the SSH remote access protocol.


How to connect 1

You can establish the connection with the ssh gateway and then Soffid will ask you the password and the target system parameters to connect:

  • Password: password of your account to connect to Soffid.
  • Target server: system to which you want to connect.
  • Account to use: account to use to connect to the target system.
  • Account source system
root@soffid:~# ssh -p 2222 dilbert@ssh-gateway
Target server:
Account to use: patricia
Account source system [leave blank to use a target system local account]: 
|                 __                     |
|              __/       |               |
|   __   __  _/__|__o  __|               |
|  |__  /  \  |  |  | /  |               |
|   __| \__/  |  |  | \__/  SSH GATEWAY  |
|           __/                          |
|                                        |
| Hello dilbert                          |
| NOTICE: This session is being recorded |

Connecting to as patricia
Last login: Fri Apr  8 08:39:23 2022 from
[patricia@forgecentos ~]$

How to connect 2

You can establish the connection with target system typing all the parameters to connect in one line AccountName__HostName__TargetAccount. At the end, Soffid will ask the password of your account to connect.

  • Account name: account to connect to Soffid.
  • Host name: target system to which you want to connect.
  • Target account: account to connect to the target system.
  • Password: password of your account to connect to Soffid.
root@soffid:~# ssh -p 2222 dilbert__10.129.120.5__patricia@ssh-gateway
|                 __                     |
|              __/       |               |
|   __   __  _/__|__o  __|               |
|  |__  /  \  |  |  | /  |               |
|   __| \__/  |  |  | \__/  SSH GATEWAY  |
|           __/                          |
|                                        |
| Hello dilbert                          |
| NOTICE: This session is being recorded |

Connecting to as patricia
Last login: Fri Apr  8 09:57:22 2022 from
[patricia@forgecentos ~]$ 

How to connect 3

You can generate a ssh key to connect, our use your existing ssh key. Then you need to include it in Soffid into your user data.

  • Generate a new ssh key: ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Read an existing ssh key: cat .ssh/


pgarcia@soffid:~$ ssh -p 2222 -i .ssh/id_rsa  pgarcia__10.129.120.5__patricia@ssh-gateway
|                 __                     |
|              __/       |               |
|   __   __  _/__|__o  __|               |
|  |__  /  \  |  |  | /  |               |
|   __| \__/  |  |  | \__/  SSH GATEWAY  |
|           __/                          |
|                                        |
| Hello pgarcia                          |
| NOTICE: This session is being recorded |

Connecting to as patricia
Last login: Fri Apr  8 11:57:19 2022 from
[patricia@forgecentos ~]$ 

Soffid needs the ssh_key attribute in the user object metadata, please check the attribute is created properly.




