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PAM installation

The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to install and configure PAM, to use critical resources without knowing the password required.


The PAM Service is only released as a docker service.

  1. Install docker ( )
  2. Create a Docker network(*), that network allows you to connect containers to the same bridge network to communicate:
sudo docker network create -d bridge NETWORK_NAME

* That network does not have to be the same network defined to install the Console and Sync Servers.

Video Tutorial



Then, the steps required to install PAM are:

  1. Create the storage server container
  2. Create the launcher container
  3. Register storage server in Soffid console.

Fast path to create storage server and launcher containers

To create both containers, you can download and execute the following script:

~/Downloads$ bash ./
A brief description of that script

1. Creates two volumes, one for the storage and other for the launcher.

2. Creates a storage server container:

2.1. In that container the files and videos recorded will be saved.

2.2. All the data will be saved using a key.

2.3. By default, it will use the 8081 port.

3. Generates the user and password to connect the launcher.

4. Creates a launcher server container:

4.1. That container will be in charge of record and send the recording files to the storage.

4.2. Soffid allows you to configure some environment variables:


Variable Description
STORE_USER Store user
STORE_PASSWORD Store password
JAVA_KEYSTORE (optional) Key store path that contains the key SSL
KEYSTORE_PASS (optional) SSL key

4.3. By default, it will use the 8082 port. 

5. Generates the encryption key to be used to store the recordings.

6. Generates the user and password that have to be registered on Soffid Console.

You will get something similar to this. When the process is complete, two docker containers should be created: soffid-pam-store and soffid-pam-launcher.

~/Downloads$ bash ./
Creating store server
Waiting for store server
Creating launch server
Process completed
Notice: You must register the store server in Soffid console:
User name: bubu-thinkpad
Password : DRFoeOsD02yph7DERNcAZB8jp3b67bO3D/Ax3uS4PbzuBnPbQLhR1lyAu9PFqRJ0
~/Downloads$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
854d7aff5c0a soffid/pam-launcher   "/bin/sh -c /opt/sof…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp   soffid-pam-launcher
7d66a3d3cfa1 soffid/pam-store      "/bin/sh -c /opt/sof…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp   soffid-pam-store


Next, you must open the Jump Server page in Soffid console. At this page, you must register the store and launcher servers, using the user name and password displayed it the previous step.
