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Configure PAM session servers


Soffid provides the functionality that allows you to configure the Jump servers. That option is located on "Main Menu > Administration > Configure Soffid > Security settings > Configure PAM session servers"

To configure that functionality is mandatory to install PAM following the intructions of the PAM installation page.

A Jump server is the control point that force users to log into that system first, then, they could traverse to other servers without having to log in again. The purpose of a jump server is to be the only gateway for access to your infrastructure reducing the size of any potential attack surface.

Screen overview

  • soffid-pam-store: storage server container
  • soffid-pam-launcher: launcher container

Standard attributes

  • Group name: name to identify the configuration. 
  • Description: brief description.
  • User name: user name given at installation of PAM
  • Password: password given at installation of PAM.
  • URL: of the storage. The default port is 8081.
  • Jump servers: list of jump servers. A URL of each jump server. The default port is 8082.


Add new

Allows you to add a new configuration of PAM.  You can choose that option by clicking the add button (+).

You must fill all the attributes to save a new configuration. 


Allows you to delete one or more configuration PAM registers, you must select one or more records from the list and click the button with the subtraction symbol (-).

To perform that action, Soffid will ask you for confirmation, you could confirm or cancel the operation.

Apply chanages

Allows you to create a new configuration PAM or to update an existing. To save the data it will be mandatory to fill in the required fields. Also, the password and user name should be correct to connect.


Allows you to quit without applying any changes made.